Part 28

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Allison's POV

We walk down into hogesmade, the town is beautiful.

There are gorgeous thatched cottages, stunning shops and it's layered in crisp snow.

We walk down further into the town, pasny walked into a restaurant?The rest of the group followed behind her, so I followed.

I have no idea where I am, they could be going somewhere to kill me and I wouldn't know where I am.

We sit down at a booth, the booth is made from wood and has leather cushioning as well as leather lining.

The table is sticky from god knows what, with cup stains and burns ingraved into the table.

After 5 minutes a waitress comes over to take our order.

"Hey there, what would you all like to drink and eat?" She says happily

"Can we get 10 butter beers" Enzo says

"Yeah, what else can I get you?" She says writing in her notebook

"Can I get Belgium waffles" Pansy says


"Actually can you make that 2" Daphne says

"No 3" Molly says

"Alright then, anyone who wants Belgium waffles put your hands up" the waitress says

Pansy, Daphne, Molly, Jake, Enzo, Theodore, Blaise and Draco put their hands up.

"Alright, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" she whispers to herself

She then writes the order and turns to me and Mattheo.

"What can I get you 2"

"Could I have an English breakfast" Mattheo says

"Of course and what can I get you dear" she asks me

"Oh um, could I have a fried egg sandwich"

"Ofcourse, is that all" she says to the group

"Yeah that's all" Pansy says

"Ok that will be 3 galleons" she says

Everyone got out 1 Sickle and gave it to her. The lady walked off leaving us all to chat.

"So Allie your going to be trying your first butter beer" Theodore says

"Yeah, I guess I am" I say nervously

"How have you never had butter beer before" Molly asks

"You just don't have butter beer in France" i say

"So what do you have" Molly asks

"Umm, mostly pumpkin juice" I say

"I can't stand pumpkin juice, I don't know how you even like it" Jake says

"Well when you drink it for like 5 years straight you learn to like a lot of stuff that you wouldn't usually have" I say

"Like what?" Daphne asks


"What's that?" She asks

"It's potato's, fresh tome, a closed and unsalted cheese from cows milk. And it tastes like garlic" I say

"That sounds gross" Pansy says

"It is" Jake says

"You've only had it twice" I say

"And both times I've gone sick" he says

"Your just to fussy" I say

"No I just hate it" he says

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