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Tracy had no intentions of getting up the following day of course that isn't really an option on a military base. She had been rudely awakened by the early morning sounds of the soldiers on base and by 7 am almost everyone on base was up and working.  

She had locked herself in her room curled up into a ball trying to pretend that nothing that happened yesterday had happened. Carmen was curled into her chest and Bandit had taken refuge under the bed. There was hardly anyone that could intrude on her while in barracks which Tracy was thankful for it, meant peace and quiet. Not that she could fall back to sleep even if she wanted to.

Epps had come by at about 11 am to try and get Tracy to come out but it had failed miserably. Which resulted in Epps calling Lennox. 

When Lennox walked into the hangar Epps was pounding on Tracy's door yelling for her to get up. Lennox shook his head quickly jogging up the stairs two at a time. Epps quit pounding on the door taking a step back and giving Lennox room in front of the door. 

"Tracy," Lennox called knocking on the door softly. "it's 11 am. Why don't you come out and get something to eat."

Tracy scowled at the door electing to try and ignore them. 

"Tracy?" Lennox tried again 

"Go away," Tracy called through the door. Lennox looked at Epps who just shrugged. 

"Tracy." Lennox tried. "Look you're starting to worry all of us just a bit."

Tracy wanted them to leave, she wanted to wallow in her misery and self-hatred alone. She didn't want company or food. She just wanted to be alone with her own thoughts. The problem was that Lennox and Epps wouldn't just leave her be. Lennox was worried in his own way and Epps was also worried but more pissed about banging a door for 20 minutes without any response. 

"While worry about someone else," Tracy replied, mildly enjoying his sigh of frustration and the long string of curses directed at her. 

Lennox had done pretty much everything in his power besides breaking the door down. Nothing worked and nothing was going to work no amount of begging or bribes would lead to her opening that door. Except maybe one...

"Tracy open the door or I'll call Ratchet over here." Lennox threatened. Tracy paled just slightly even though they couldn't see it. She knew if Ratchet came over here because she wouldn't open the door he would think the worse immediately and then she would really be in for it. 

"Fine." Tracy sighed. She pulled on a pair of sneakers and a hoodie that was conveniently poking out of her bag before opening the door just a crack. "Happy?"

"Very," Lennox replied. "Now come on, and we'll get you something to eat."

"No, thanks," Tracy replied going to shut the door but Epps stuck his boot in between the door and the frame to keep it from shutting. "What, I opened the door now go away."

"Let me rephrase what my friend here just said. You are going to come with us and get something to eat." Epps said. Tracy paused and opened the door slightly more looking between Epps and Lennox. Both of them were determined and Tracy knew that this wasn't a battle she was going to win, but hell if she was going to give up.

"Still a no," Tracy said slamming her foot on Epps' foot. Epps snatched his foot back and Tracy slammed the door and locked it. 

Epps growled and muttered some choice words while Lennox sighed. This kid was going to be the death of him. 

Tracy partially felt bad because she knew that their intentions were to help,  but she didn't want any help or pity she just wanted to be left alone. She could clearly hear Epps and Lennox discussing options on how to get her to come out of the room. So far they had two: Call Ratchet and risk his wrath or take the door off and risk Tracy's wrath. Both were pretty split until she heard the phone ringing through the door and then it clicked on

Only Human: A Transformers AUWhere stories live. Discover now