Don't Even Think About Carrying Me

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0:05 Seconds Left

Prowl kneeled beside the girl and unclipped the ribbon and tucked it into his jacket pocket. They had won with 5 seconds on the clock. Everyone else had been tagged except for her. Even with everyone gunning for her she still managed to avoid them for a few minutes. Long enough that had they been in the field it would have meant the difference between life and death. He didn't like her, or her attitude towards authority, but he could respect her willingness not to quit even when the odds were against her. One look at Ultra Magnus said that their thoughts were on a similar track.

Ultra Magnus rolled the girl onto her back and checked for a pulse which was still steady. He let out an almost inaudible sigh, but Prowl heard it and glared at him before stalking back through the woods. Leaving Ultra Magnus in charge of getting her back to the base. Ultra Magnus sighed in frustration, he should have known that Prowl would leave him to deal with the human. He considered just picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder but quickly decided against it.

Tracy coughed and groaned in pain before slowly sitting up. Either not realizing that the bot was standing there or just plain ignoring him. Ultra Magnus turned towards her and watched with curiosity.

Tracy's eyes widened as she remembered what happened. She reached for the ribbon at her side only to find it gone. Part of her wanted to cry and the other part of her was pissed. She hated losing and she really hated losing when she was so close to winning. Ultra Magnus offered Tracy a hand up which she declined. Granted she knew that she need the help but she didn't want it from him or anyone for that matter. Tracy succeeded in getting to her feet on her own and standing on shaky legs she tried to walk away only to stumble and would have faceplanted if Ultra Magnus hadn't caught her arm.

"Let go of me. I can manage fine on my own." Tracy stated glaring up at the taller man who just scoffed, but released Tracy's arm causing her to tumble to the ground.

"If that is fine, I hate to see what unwell would be." Ultra Magnus stated offering a hand to the teen as she glared at him.

Just accept the damn help, you moron.

Tracy's shoulders sagged and allow Magnus to help her up. Once she was on her feet again she tried to walk off on her own only to almost fall again. This time she caught herself from falling by gripping onto a tree. Everything hurt and every little move caused bolts of pain to shoot through her body and her head so swim. For a split second, she really considered letting Ultra Magnus help, but her stubbornness wouldn't allow her to ask for help or accept it. Tracy steadied herself using the tree until her legs quit shaking and her vision  was somewhat steady. 

I've got it this time. I don't need his help. 

Tracy took a step forward leaning heavily on the tree beside her. She took another step forward.

I don't need his help. I-

Her legs gave out underneath her and she tried to rebalance herself but failed causing her to tumble forward landing on her side. Her bruised ribs screamed in pain and Tracy let out a pained grunt as she pushed herself to her knees. Glaring at Ultra Magnus when he made a move to help her. 

I don't need his help. I don't need anyone's help.

Ultra Magnus glared back at the girl having enough of this. They had a half mile to walk and he would rust before they got back to base if they were going to continue at this pace. Magnus shook his head and began to walk off. If she wanted to do it by herself so be it. He was done trying to make her accept his help. 

Great. Now how are you going to get back?

On my own. I don't need his help.

You can barely stand much less walk. What do you plan on doing crawling back to base?

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