I've Had Worse

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"Kid, wake up. We're here." Ironhide said while using his holoform to shake Tracy awake.

The site Tracy saw when she sat up made her want to snort. Carman, her Pitbull puppy, was asleep on Ironhide's lap, while Bandit, her ragdoll cat was still in his carrier.

"Would you like me to take her back," Tracy asked as she motioned toward Carman. Ironhide quickly, but awkwardly handed her back to Tracy. His holoform then fizzled out.

"How is your arm?" Ironhide asked while making his way back toward the first hangar that Tracy had arrived at earlier that night.

"I'll live. I've had worse." Tracy quipped as memories quickly filled her mind She shook her head hoping to rid herself of those memories for the time being "So where are we headed."

"First we are going to drop off your bags and belongings at your dorm. Then you're going to have Ratchet check out your arm." Ironhide said, and before she could even protest. "Doctor's orders, not mine. Drift contacted him shortly after we left."

The ride to the barracks was silent. Upon pulling up Tracy could see Ratchet was standing (in robot form) to the side looking very impatient and rather bored at the same time. Ironhide pulled up beside him and thankfully waited until her stuff was out before transforming.

The dorms were organized on three levels; the third being the highest and one being the lowest. The third level was mostly reserved for high-ranking team members or officials, or in this case orphaned teenagers, with major issues. The second was mostly just other team members that bunked together. The first was made mostly as extra space, but apparently, Sam and Mikaela would use them when they were on base.

Trace was internally thankful that she had not brought a lot of stuff, otherwise moving things would have been more of a hassle. Thankfully Ironhide had Tracy stand on his palm with her bags so that she did not have to go up the stairs.

The rooms were a decent size, maybe a little smaller than a master bedroom. The walls were grey and there were no windows; the bathroom was about the size of a full bath, with grey and white tiles. The furniture in the room was limited to a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a nightstand, all made out of dark oak wood.

Tracy put her bags on the bed along with Carman. Bandit's carrier was placed over by the desk. She knew that she was going to have to get some scratching posts and a litter box for him, but that would have to wait. Carman, on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf, she had no idea what was going on, and quite frankly neither did Tracy. Everything had happened so fast, she didn't comprehend it all. All she knew was that each time she stopped to process it she felt a ball of guilt settle in her stomach. Tracy piled up some blankets and put Carman in them and told her to stay. She then let Bandit out so that he could roam around the room.

"Tracy will you please come out here." Tracy heard someone call, it was kind of hard to distinguish the voice because the door was closed. She debated pretending that she couldn't hear but knew that would just end up with Ratchet or Ironhide kicking down the door and physically dragging her out of the room.

"Coming," Tracy yelled as she slid a knife into her boot and her phone into her back pocket. Tracy then headed out onto the catwalk. "What's wrong?"

"I would like to take a look at your arm and any other injuries that were acquired this evening," Ratchet said simply.

"I'm fine. I've had much worse." Tracy replied evenly she didn't want to deal with this right now. Ironhide chuckled and Tracy wondered what was so funny.

"I'm sorry I don't recall giving you a choice," Ratchet replied just as evenly. Ironhide watched from the side with faint amusement.

"And I don't recall asking for your help." Tracy snapped. The calmness that seemed to take over Ratchet's face should have been her first indicator that she had made a mistake. But she wasn't interested in caring at the moment.

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