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You simply refuse to believe that Cronus and Meenah have left you in this hive with this strange human. Did they even take into thought to care of either of your triggers? Quite selfish of them, one might even say. Your mind goes racing on among the possible outcomes but you decide to approach the human in the blue pyjamas. With a slight exhale you take a steedy pace across the wooded floor to the boy. He is staring at you, something about his sparkling blue eyes makes you face turn a bright red. Greatly attempting to ignore this, you open your mouth to greet him. " Hell9 y9ung human I am Kan-", you stop when you feel two arms wrapped around your chest. You look down to see the pink skinned male rubbing his cheek against your brightly coloured sweater. You open your mouth once again to begin lecturing him on this but instead you just blush intensly for some unexpected reason. His eyes meet with yours as his cheeks dust pink. "Hey, um... Sorry. You just looked... so fluffy and hugable!", he backs up a bit, apologizing with a goofy smile. You stood there silently, making a fool of yourself, but you werent sure what to make of the sudden contact, or warmth in you blood pusher, but what ever it was... you liked it.

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