Part 2: Re-Union of Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3

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Peter 1 is walking on the road. He goes to the coffee shop. MJ comes and Peter orders a coffee. No one remembers him. Everyone forgot about Spiderman in this universe. MJ comes with coffee. She is talking freely with Peter. 

That means they are becoming friends for another time. Not that close but yeah, friends. Peter asks MJ to sit with him. MJ agrees. They are sitting and talking. At that moment, Peter was going to hold MJ's hand and, in the meantime, Ned comes and was going to fall but Peter caught the tray of food that was with Ned and stopped him also from falling. It was very fast. 

MJ and Ned got shocked! They ask, "How did you do this?"

Peter tries to ignore it and says, "I know Kung-Fu!!!". 

Then Ned says, "What? Really? Would you please teach me? Please!!! By the way, what's your name?". 

Peter seems so happy and says, "Sure! I am Peter, Peter Parker.". 

There comes a customer so MJ leaves. Ned is still wanting and forcing Peter to teach him Kung-Fu. Peter shows some fake moves and laughs. He is happy inside because he is getting along with his most loved people for another time. Then the scene moves to Doctor Morbius's lab.

He is making something with chemicals. He puts his blood-drop in the mix of the chemicals and the full tube turns in black! And there was coming black smoke from there. He smiles and turns back and enters the black-hole gate. 

Morbius goes to Dormammu. He says, "I don't know, why you are helping me. Even, I don't want to know. I just want to take revenge and complete my target!"

Then Morbius goes to Doctor Strange. He is in a sense now. 

He says, "Who are you? Why are you helping Dormammu? You are doing wrong! Let me get out of here! Give my ring back!". 

Morbius laughs. He comes in his monster face! There starts a horror scene. 

Bats start surrounding Morbius and Doctor Strange! Morbius says, "I am helping only myself!". 

Then Morbius fills a syringe with the black chemical and pushes it into Doctor Strange's vein! Doctor Strange screams louder in pain! 

His eyes are becoming red slowly and teeth are becoming bigger and his full face turns like a monster! He was shaking his full body in pain but after some seconds, he stops! Morbius orders him, "Tear off the rope and brake the cage!". 

Doctor Strange tears off the rope and brakes the cage easily. Doctor Strange is in control of Morbius now!!! Morbius laughs and all the bats are cheering with him. Dormammu sees that. The scene comes back to Peter. 

Peter and Ned are together. Ned is showing moves to Peter and they both are laughing. Suddenly, the sky becomes darker. Peter got shocked! A few seconds later, there opens a gate in front of them. 

Peter thinks that Doctor Strange came to see him. He becomes happy but Ned gets shocked. Now, Peter also gets shocked because Doctor Strange comes out from the portal but not like before! He is fully changed!

His face is looking like a monster and is very scary! Doctor Strange attacked them. Peter and Ned start running. Peter understands that something has happened wrong with Doctor Strange and he is wanting Peter. Peter drops Ned in a safe place and then he leaves. 

He hides and wears a suit. He becomes Spiderman and fights with Doctor Strange. There starts a goose-bumping fight scene. A few minutes later, Peter succeed to stop Doctor Strange. He caught him by his nets. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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