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When Kaylee woke up the following day in a bed that she didn't know, she briefly started to panic again before remembering that she was still in the loop. She carefully sat up to get a better look at her body to assess the damage. While most of the cracks were gone, leaving only a few scratches in the glass, her ankle was still considerably fucked up. Definitely less than how she remembered it before falling asleep, but still enough to make her a bit hesitant to stand up.

Despite that, she felt it was a polite thing to do to try and dress according to the time she currently found herself in. Since as far as Kaylee knew, people in the 1940s didn't really have T-shirts and sweatpants, at least not as people knew them now.

Using the bedpost and desk in the room, she stood up as carefully as possible and wobbled over to the closet. Upon opening it, she found various dresses, all with relatively the same shape, and all in the vintage style she'd already observed on Olive and Miss Peregrine. There were also a few shoes lined up at the bottom of the closet.

She tried to decide which dress to pick, before giving up and just closing her eyes and grabbing a random one. The dress her hand landed on was a light orange color, with a nice collar, buttons down the front, and a belt. Crouching, she got a better look at the shoes and picked a pair of black Oxford shoes.

She limped back over to the bed and put on the dress and the shoes after neatly placing her other clothes on the bed.

The dress fit almost perfectly, which left her wondering if there were any other adults besides Miss Peregrine, or if at least one of the kids coincidentally had the same size as her.

Or maybe even if they had already been expecting her, but she quickly discarded that thought again. Like, there was no way, right? The events of the past day leading up to this felt a little too disconnected, that's what she was telling herself at least.

Her mind briefly flashed to a situation in which all the people living in this house were cannibals, and they only made her stay this comfortable to ensure she wouldn't immediately run away.

However, she quickly brushed that thought off. While she had seen enough movies to know that that could be something that was happening to her, she liked to think of herself as someone who could read people very well, and Miss Peregrine and Olive both didn't seem like the type of people to eat random strangers, or anyone for that matter. And even if they were, they wouldn't have a lot to eat anyway, considering that she was made of glass. She would probably still die, sure, but somehow she wasn't as concerned about that fact.

To try and stop herself from overthinking even more, she cautiously stepped over to the window. Her view could only be described as one from a painting, Kaylee thought. She noticed that the room she was in was on the second floor overlooking a beautiful garden with various flowers and hedge sculptures. The rays of the sun made the backyard look warm and inviting, with just the right amount of shade from the trees.

A knock interrupted her thoughts, followed by the door opening and Miss Peregrine walking in.

"Oh, you're up. Are you well rested?" she asked

"Yeah, I think so. My ankle still feels a little fragile but I should be fine." Kaylee promised her. She hoped that if the headmistress believed she was okay, then maybe she'd be able to explore the rest of the house a bit.

"I will trust your own judgment on that but I do advise you to take it easy until it is fully healed. I also see you've found a change of clothes in the wardrobe."

She seemed slightly impressed, which gave Kaylee a bit of an odd feeling. On one hand, it was good, since she thought about dressing appropriately and Miss Peregrine seemed to be a person preferring if people dressed that way. On the other hand, though, she felt her being impressed had an underlying tone of 'I didn't think you'd be able to do it'. However, she chose to believe in the former to protect her own sanity and not think everyone hated her on her very first day in the house. Another habit she badly wished to get rid of.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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fell in love with the bird (Miss Peregrine x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now