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Back in the present time.

Have I been lied to?

A gentle knock stopped her short train of thought. "Come in!"

The door opened and in stepped a girl with a tray of food. She had red hair and a small polite smile on her face.

"I came to bring you your food. I'm Olive, it's nice to meet you," she said. Kaylee noticed that her hands were covered in black rubber gloves. She'd only seen those kinds of gloves with certain kinds of costumes but didn't wanna bother Olive with a possibly intrusive question.

"I'm Kaylee. Nice to meet you too. Thanks for bringing the food up, it looks really nice."

Olive nodded, the smile never leaving her face, and quickly left the room.

Kaylee started eating the (very delicious, she had to admit) food while letting her thoughts consume her again.

She knew about her peculiarity for the majority of her life but she'd been told loops were a bad thing. She didn't even know what an Ymbryne was. But Miss Peregrine's explanations made her feel somewhat safe, and even almost understood in a strange way.

She began to wonder if there was even more to it. Miss Peregrine did say that they'd continue to talk, about what she didn't know. The woman still had so many questions and she hoped that the headmistress could answer them all. She would be fine with just a few answers even, she just craved someone actually knowing about what she had to deal with all her life so much that she would accept any explanation she could get.


Of course, the children had many questions about the mysterious new woman so Miss Peregrine had quite a hard time keeping the volume at supper down. She dismissed most of the questions or answered them with such simple sentences, that they couldn't possibly get much insight on their situation.

"Children, as soon as Miss Daniels is well enough, you can ask your questions!"

That shut all the children up, because they knew, judging by the tone of her voice, it wouldn't be long until they'd get punished for being so nosy. They couldn't help it. After all, they were still technically children, but they knew their manners and respected their headmistress.

After supper, all the children went to watch Horace's dreams, as they did every night. He had informed Miss Peregrine that it was nothing but clothes so she used that time of the kids being occupied to check up on Kaylee.

After knocking and hearing a light 'Come in,' she came in to see the younger woman sitting on her bed with a now empty food tray.

"How are you? I wanted to check on you while the children are watching the movie."

"I'm good, thank you. What movie are they watching?"

"Horace, one of my wards, can project his dreams. We watch them every night." She received a nod from Kaylee, clearly still trying to process all this new information.

After a moment of silence, Alma decided to ask the question that she wanted to ask since they found her on the beach that morning.

"One of the children, Millard, said your necklace had something to do with the fact that you didn't shatter although you got hit by a few things. Do you know anything about that?"

"It's a bit of a long story. Do you have time right now?"

"I'll have to reset the loop soon so give me the short version for now, please," she said, anxiously checking her pocket watch.

"I got the necklace from my grandfather and I was basically just told that it would prevent me from shattering, but I don't know exactly how it works, unfortunately."

"What's the name of your grandfather? If you don't mind," she asked softly, hoping it wasn't a sensitive topic for her.

"George Daniels. Do you know him?"

She looked thoughtful. For a brief moment, it seemed like the topic was more sensitive for Miss Peregrine rather than Kaylee, but she doubted it. There was no way that was the case.

"I believe one of my Ymbryne sisters once talked about him. But I never met him personally," she said. "Anyways, I have to go reset the loop, You can watch from the window if you want but I would advise you to be careful because of your foot. Don't stay up too long, your body needs rest. Goodnight." she added and walked out of the room, taking the tray with her. That last bit (with the seeming avoidance of certain topics and a quick bid of goodnight along with a warning to not stay up too late) made her feel teleported back to a time when she was living with her mom but she chose to ignore the feeling that came with that.

Too exhausted for anything else that evening, Kaylee just got under the covers and tried to sleep. Despite still having many unanswered questions, she was asleep within about 5 minutes, and not even the sound of the bombs could wake her up.


edited/reuploaded on September 16th, 2023

fell in love with the bird (Miss Peregrine x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now