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My life was perfect,

It always had been and I wanted it to stay that way.

I was never short on friends,

I had the best mom,

I was never short on money.

I was basically the child that would soon rule over all of us in the future,

I was free to do anything even if it was horrible and cruel I got away with it, while the blame got shifted to someone else.

I was that one kid that people imagined, and aspired to be.

so why was this happening to me?




It was another normal day for me, me and Gunner were hanging out just like usual. As we walked down the enormous corridor of my house, we reached a big door which led to my room. "What do you want to do today?" I asked Gunner while we walked inside my room, "I don't know? reading I guess" Gunner answered quietly. "but we do that everyday!" I exclaim while jumping on my bed, "better than doing whatever you want." he grumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I gasp dramatically while he gave me an annoyed look, while he started to list my "horrible" ideas, "that was an amazing idea!" I argue while he starts to list more ideas. "swimming with sharks just because one let you pat their head?" he finally ends with the last horrible idea I came up with "lemon sharks are cute you can't blame me!" I grumbled.

As I open my mouth to defend myself even though I know I'm wrong, I'm interrupted by a big explosion coming from outside and a piercing screams filled my ears. My eyes widen as I race to the closest window I have in my room with Gunner right behind me, while I moved the curtain that was blocking my view from seeing what was happening someone's head slammed against the window and bursted from the impact "oh my god..." I manage to push out of my mouth while I scrambled to the ground trying to block the graphic image of the head out of my mind.

Gunner raced to me trying to comfort me while trying to resist the urge to look up at what else was happening "A-are you ok?!" he managed to get out, I wanted to throw up, I was scared and I just wanted my mom to be with me "I-i"I tried to push the words out of my mouth, but I just couldn't. The door bursted open quickly and was shut just as fast as the "mysterious" person opened it.

I looked at the door to find my mom scrambling to the windows and pulling the curtains blocking the view to my room from anyone outside "Mom!" I yelled and ran to her trembling "W-what's happening out there!?" I scramble to find the words I needed, "Honey calm down." my mother comforts me in the softest and calmest way possible. My mother then picks me up and heads to my bed, "Please, just please listen to me don't interrupt me about what I'm about to tell you. When I teleport you I need you to hide your wings, Mommy's friend is going to help you ok?, don't tell anyone you're a Fairy, people are after us and Uhm.." my mothers starts to tear up while packing my stuff up quickly "Make sure you know I-i love you and..and cherish you.. you've got that?" she asks while I'm still trying to process the fact I'm getting teleported somewhere else far away from my family, and friends, and the people I love and the fact that people are after us, I wanted to ask my mom so many questions but I was cut off as a loud knock interrupted us. My mom cursed under her breath and started to quickly chant something I can't quite comprehend.

"Queen Brianna come out! you can't hide forever. All we want is the boy!" a unfamiliar voice calls out I hear my mother curse again under her breathe still trying to focus on the spell.

The door flew open when my mother finally finished with the spell, but all of a sudden I remember about Gunner who was just watching everything go down, "G-gunner!" I scream to tell him to get away from the door, my mothers face turned into disgust and hatred while she looked at him "Mae don't talk to him." my mother spat like she knew something I didn't. The unknown person at the door coughed, I turned my head to him while trying to focus on everything that was happening around me, it was just too much.

But as I stared at the unknown person who came into my room I realized that he was a demon, he wasn't what I had even imagined of a demon, he had gray hair he was young and had beautiful golden eyes 'wait a demon?!' the fact that a demon was here finally reached me 'How did they get in here?! we've been hidden for years..' "the boy?" the demon says unamused while leaning against the door frame, my mother grabbed Gunner harshly and pushed him into the arms of the demon "Now leave me and my people alone." my mother negotiated. The demon starts to walk towards her "I don't think I can.. well either way you won't be missed!" the demon then lunged at my mother but she swiftly dodged it and sent a punch to its face, grabbing his horns and stabbing him in the face with a knife she had summoned.

The demon screeched in pain and let out a blood curling scream alarming the others that he was in trouble and needed back up. "Agh! you bitch.." he said while griping his bleeding eye, my mother then avoided another attack from a different demon who had bursted through the window, punching it in the gut but out of nowhere three other demons appear while trying to take down my mother which she then kicked a demon in its side while the other demons punched her in the jaw.

"Agh!" my mother yelped while rubbing where she was hit 'Why won't she use her magic?!' I thought then I realized because of this spell it drained most of her energy. (teleporting yourself is easy but teleporting someone else takes up a lot more of their magic weird I know ps. she was already fighting off most of them outside before she even came to Mae's room) watching my mother get beat was horrible and I wished I could do something as more and more demons threw them at her while she was still trying to fight off the others, but as the circle that was supposed teleport me shined bright I heard a blood curling scream that sounded like my mother's. The only thing I could do was scream when I saw that she had just been impaled by a sword straight to her stomach "MOM!" I tried reaching out but the circle restricted me from leaving it, I pounded on it while crying wishing I could do something as I slowly disappeared.



I feel like this chapter was a little cringy 😥 feel like I made Mae overreact a little to much, idk but that's all byeee

Word Count: 1201

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