XVII. Episodes

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Julie was in her room, sitting on the floor while coloring a flower drawing that she made earlier.

In Julie's room, she had a bay window that she was thankful for. She liked to see how the leaves turned from bright green in the spring and summer to orange in the fall and then how they withered in the winter.

There was loud commotion going on from downstairs which made her halt her coloring. She stood up and exited her room, quietly walking down the stairs.

"A TUTOR? YOU GOT ME A TUTOR?" She heard Nora shout in an angered tone. She peeked around the corner to see Nora and Abuela standing in the kitchen on either sides of the counter.

"It's to help you, Nora. It'll help your grades get better" Abuela told her in a calm voice but the teenager still wasn't having it. "I told you I didn't need one. I'm capable of getting good grades myself and without help."

"You told me that same thing months ago and I have yet to see progress" Abuela said as Nora scoffed, shaking her head. "Abuela, I could do this myself WITHOUT a tutor," Nora told her as the older woman shook her head.

"We'll see how you do after a week and then I'll make the decision on whether you need more lessons or not"

Nora was furious, "Are you kidding me! Why can't you just trust me?!" She fumed as her Abuela  put her hands on her hips, "My mind is made up Nora! You're doing the tutor and that's final!"


"Are you guys fighting?" A small voice interrupted them as they both turned to see Julie standing by the stairs.

"Of course not, Mija. We're just having a little disagreement but everything's okay" She tried to play it off as she assure the smaller girl. "Why'd don't you go upstairs and get dressed and then we could go out for a treat? Okay?"

Julie hesitantly nodded before she turned and headed back upstairs but she didn't go in her room, instead she sat at the top of the stairs and continued to listen.

"Where are you going?" Abuela questioned as Julie could see Nora heading for the front door. "I'm leaving"

"No, you're not! Not until you agree to the tutor!"

"I'm not getting a tutor!"

Julie listened to them yell at each other in spanish as the small girl didn't notice her leg moving up and down rapidly.

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