X. Russian Secrets

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USING THE SIGNAL FROM the supercomm, it was Robin's idea to follow it to navigate themselves to the right spot

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USING THE SIGNAL FROM the supercomm, it was Robin's idea to follow it to navigate themselves to the right spot. Unfortunately, as they reached the destination more and more, they found it to be way more busy on this side of the building than the side they were previously on.

The hallway they approached was crowded by the multiple Russian men, walking by or the sounds of them pushing strollers containing boxes filled with things unknown to the group.

Their hiding spot was behind two metal lockers in the corner of the hall. They've been sitting their for a few minutes. Steve took the leader role as he peaked his head out, checking if the coast was clear.

When he was satisfied enough, he nodded towards the others, "Okay, clear" He whispered before everyone else quietly emerged from the hiding spot.

"Okay, that was close" Robin spoke up as Dustin agreed, "Too close" He added on. Steve turned around, shushing their complaints, "Relax. Alright, relax. Nobody saw..." He trailed off just as they turned the corner.

As they rounded the corner, it was then that they realized this place was bigger than they thought. Men in uniforms and hazmat suits walked by as a woman's voice was heard over the PA but couldn't be understood due to her speaking in Russian.

The group was in such awe that they didn't even realize how they were standing out in the open. Steve noticed how one guy in a uniform held a gun at the top of the stairs, walking back and forth, scanning the place with a scowl on his face.

The group quickly ducked down behind a cabinet, hoping that nobody saw them in the process.

"I saw it! First floor, northwest! " Erica whispered to them. Steve scrunched his brows, "Saw what?" He questioned with a confused look. "The comms room" She answered as Steve peeked out from their spot to check for himself, "You saw the comes room?" He looked in the direction in which she had previously described.

"Are you sure?" Dustin asked before she looked ta him, "Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

"That could be a hundred different things" Dustin pointed out. Rosie shrugged her shoulders, "I rather take those odds" Rosie interjected as Robin grinned with a nod, " Me too."

Steve sighed, shaking his head disappointed but not declining. The five of them simultaneously peaked around the corner for a second and then pulled back.

The coast was clear and there were little to no Russians were in sight. Steve turned to everyone, "Okay, we're gonna move fast and we're gonna stay low, alright?" He instructed, making sure to get a nod from everyone.

Once he did, he crawled to the other side of the room, stopping to hide behind a barrier as the others followed quietly and quickly behind him. They paused, waiting for a group of people to walk past before sneaking pass them.

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