II. Guilt

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THAT SAME DAY, it was after lunch and all the kids were outside

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THAT SAME DAY, it was after lunch and all the kids were outside. The five boys and Julie hid behind a gate, watching the red head girl that they assumed was Mad Max as she skated around the area.

Julie was uninterested though, sitting against the wall and reading her book.

"There's no way that's Mad Max" She heard Mike say. "Yeah, girls don't play video games" Will agreed with Mike, making Julie look up from her book.

"Even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug. That's impossible" Mike continued. Julie closed her book loudly, making the other boys glance at her as she stood up, walking away from the boys.

Julie didn't understand why they were so interested in this girl named Max and it made her even more upset that they would say something like that right in front of her.

She started to hear herself, was she jealous?


IT WAS FINALLY after school, Julie was at her locker once again, stuffing books into her backpacks.


She closed her locker, turning to see Mike beside her. "Hey" She replied, Mike instantly noticing something was wrong from her tone. "Why'd you run off earlier?"

Julie looked at her feet, quickly trying to come up with a lie. "Oh I, uh--I just remembered that I had some last minute homework that I forgot to do" She rubbed her nose.

"Oh" He nodded as he took the backpack from her hands, "Are you ready to go?" He asked as the two of them walked down the almost empty halls. "Yep" She answered back.

The two of them walked outside as Mike carried his backpack on his back and Julie's backpack in front of him. It was something he did often, even though Julie always tried to tell him she could carry it on her own. But every time he would assure her that it's okay.

Julie listened to Mike talk about how Lucas and Dustin were going to spy on Mad Max at the arcade which made Julie furrow her brows. They reached the bike racks as Mike dropped Julie's backpack in the front basket of her bike.

The two both got to their bikes and started to make their way to the Wheeler's residence.


NORA WAS SITTING on her bed as she was reading the Fantastic Four 257 comic that Julie had got her from the library.

She had her reading glasses on as she licked the spoon with chocolate ice cream on it.

Nora liked to read comics often, it gave her some type of peace that she rarely ever had. She's always been hiding her passion for comics ever since Nancy voiced her opinion on them, saying they're for little kids like her little brother.

Ever since, Julie has willingly offered to get them for her, the younger girl understanding.

She was interrupted by the phone on her nightstand ringing. Nora placed her open comic on her bed, taking off her glasses and placing them on top as she leaned over to reach her phone.

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