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I woke up around 9am since my first class was at 12. I decided to wake up early to get ready and make a great first impression, not only to the teachers, but to my new classmates as well.

As I had taken a shower before going to sleep, I brushed my teeth and then I went straight to doing my makeup. I put some music and my headphones to get me in a good mood. I did my makeup like I usually do it, nothing special. I then moved on to my hair, I decided to do a blowout. Doing it with a hair dryer and a brush took some time as I wasn't used to it, but I wasn't in a rush. I then moved on to changing from my pyjama to my uniform. (A/N: you can change the hairstyle if blowouts dont fit you.)

It was a white button up shirt and a simple gray skirt. I also had a tie that was green and silver. I had some ankle length socks with my favourite shoes. I'm glad they're not too strict on the dress code when it came to shoes, they just had to be classy and black. This meant no running shoes, but still no stilettos or open shoes.

A/N: I'm giving you choices for the shoes but if you don't like any you can imagine them differently.

I went with my classic signature shoe, obviously

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I went with my classic signature shoe, obviously. I wore these when I went to beauxbatons as well. I just think they look best with a skirt and they're pretty comfortable if you ask me.

When I looked at the hour it was already 11:30am and so I decided to pass by the great hall to take a small breakfast and then headed to class. I took my robe in my hands and brushed it off a little since it had some cat hair on it.

As I was heading out of my room, I saw Daphne closing her door. I remembered we had almost the same schedule and so I invited her to join me. She gladly accepted as she was hungry as well.

When we got there we saw there were some fruits left and so I went towards the apples. I saw there was a green one, so I immediately went to take it.

The moment I was about to grab it, it suddenly levitated into the air and zoomed towards the door. I looked in that direction with confusion plastered on my face and that's when I saw him. He was smirking at me, holding the apple in his hand. My jaw dropped as he took a big bite out of it.

"Sorry Y/N! But everyone knows the last green apple is Malfoy's..." Daphne told me. I didn't care. I marched up to him, looked up at him and told him "Um excuse me, but I was about to eat that!" "Don't worry, you're excused." He told me with a smirk as he looked back at Crabbe and Goyle. They laughed, agreeing with him. "I-" "Next time get here earlier." He told me as he cut me off.

I couldn't believe this was about an apple. I was bickering with Draco Malfoy about an apple. I sighed, looked at him dead in the eyes and told him "No, actually, the food here isn't yours, so if YOU wanted that apple, YOU should have gotten here earlier."

He looked at me and furrowed his brows. The blond then walked closer to me as his face was merely inches away from mine. "Who do you think you're talking to like that?" He whispered to me. He really had a thing for whispering. "Malfoy, you're not as intimidating as you think, now move out of my face, I choose my battles, and one over an apple isn't worth it." I said, emphasizing on the word apple, as I walked around him, slightly hitting my shoulder in his.

Daphne and I rushed to class since we only had 5 minutes to get there. When we finally got to the classroom, all the places were taken except one next to Pansy, which she had reserved for Daphne, and one next to Hermione.

"Ouch, sorry for leaving you with her." She told me as she went to sit next to her friend. I didn't have time to answer anything, but took a mental note to ask her later what she meant by that.

Hermione saw me and waved as she gave me a big smile. I sat down next to her and we just made some small talk as we still had about 2 minutes before class would start. She looked at my robe with an amused face. "You've got a cat, right? Me too. If you want I can show you a spell to keep your robe from looking like a fur coat." She then proceeded to show me the spell and I thanked her for it. As I was about to ask her about her schedule the door flew open. I saw the head of my house walking in with a straight face and his Cape flying behind him. He was three minutes late and looked... annoyed.

I was pretty good in potions at my old school, I don't think it should be any different here seeing as the teacher was also a big slytherin supporter.

Everyone stopped talking as he told us to open our books to page 349. We were learning about veritaserum. He told us that we would only be taking notes for today and that next class we would be brewing it. He also informed us that the seats we had were to be kept for the whole year. I didn't mind, I like Hermione.

He started the lesson. "Who knows what veritaserum is?" He asked the class. Hermione threw her hand up, which startled me a tad. Someone's eager to answer. Although, he didn't pick her. "No one? Well, that's disappointing." He said not even looking in her direction. "Please, sir. Veritaserum is a powerful truth potion. It effectively forces the drinker to answer any question put to them truthfully, thought there are some certain methods of resistance."

As she finished, professor Snape looked at her with a stern face. "One should only talk when they are asked to in my class, I'm sure you'd know that by now ,miss Granger. 10 points from Gryffindor." He then pinched his lips in a straight line. "But since we're at it, would you care explaining what those methods of resistance are?" Even thought he had taken points away from her house, she looked glad she could talk more and show her knowledge.

She went on, giving the teacher all the right answers as I spaced out. I had already learnt about this in my old school, so it's not like I was missing anything important. Before I knew it, the class
Was finished. On Mondays, I only had potions from 12pm to 3pm with a 15 minutes break in the middle.

As I got up, I noticed Daphne and Pansy had already left. I had hoped they would wait but I guess I can't expect that from anyone seeing as I was new here.

Hermione said her goodbyes to me as she walk out with Harry Potter and the ginger boy from the train. I put my book, my quill and my ink in my bag and left the classroom as well, but when I walked out the door, I bumped into someone.

Malfoy (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now