9 1 0

I was packing the rest of my essentials in my suitcase as my cat, Carmen, was laying on my bed staring at me with a sleepy look in her eyes.

I had once again started packing way too late, 4 hours ago to be exact and had woken her up in her slumber.

" I know you're sleepy, I am too. I should've listened to mom and started putting some things in my suitcase a week ago!"

It's now 8am, which means I had jumped out of my bed at 4am, realizing I hadn't started packing and that we were leaving the house in less than 6 hours.

I heard my mom shout at me from the kitchen: "We need to leave in about 2 hours! Are you almost ready?" "Yes mom!" I replied with an eye roll. I was packing my suitcase last minute, not unable to read the time. I was getting quite hungry though and decided to go see my mom and get something to eat at the same time, seeing as I was almost done packing.

"Good morning sweetie!", she told me with a soft smile. I saw my dad sitting at the table reading a manual with a very confused look on his face. I walk towards him to see what he was struggling with. He didn't even notice me looking over his shoulder. "What are you reading dad?", I asked him. He jumped slightly "God y/n you scared me! I cant figure out how to build the new stand for the tv we got from IKEA." I look at him with an amused face "Jeez dad, you graduated Hogwarts as one of their best student, why can't you just use a little bit of magic?" My mom gave me a small laugh "That's what I told him earlier but your dad wants to do it the muggle way!" She rolled her eyes.

I looked at the counter and saw that my mom had bought a bunch of apples, I took the only green one that was placed in the middle of the pile.

My mom told me not to eat too much because since I was almost done packing we could leave early and grab something to eat on our way to the train station. I ran upstairs to make sure I wasn't missing anything and took my cat in my arms who had fallen asleep in the same position she was when I left the room. We put everything in the car and we're on our way. We decided to stop at a little diner that served y/f/f to commemorate this last moment together, that is until Christmas.

Once we had gotten to the station, mom parked the car and we all got out and got my suitcase out as well. I had left Carmen out of her cage while she was in the car because she was a pretty chill cat, but now had to put her in her cage for the time of the transportation to Hogwarts.

When we got in the train station I was a tad bit confused seeing there were no platform 9 3/4. "But dad, where is the platform for the Hogwarts express? I don't see it anywhere." He look at me with a sigh "Honey do you really think they would put the station to a witchcraft school with the muggle station AND call it 9 3/4? That wouldn't be smart don't you think?" I thought about it for a second and realized it would have been strange.

My parents were both walking in front of me, my dad carrying my suitcase and my bag as I followed them as I carried my cat. As we arrived in between station 9 and 10 my parents came to a halt. "Ready dear?" My mom asked my dad. "Yes love" my dad answered to my mom with love filled in his eyes. They both turned to me and told me to follow them.

They then started running towards a wall and as I look at them in shock, about to yell at them to look at where they were going, when all of a sudden they vanished into the wall. I was shocked, but did as they had just a few seconds ago, with my eyes closed of course. When I didn't feel any impact I slowly opened one eye and was met with a beautiful black and red train.

There were a bunch of families there too saying goodbye to their kids. As I looked around I noticed one that looked familiar. My dad saw them too and bent down close to me. "That right there was one of my close friends while I was at Hogwarts. His name is Lucius Malfoy, you might recognize him from one of my old pictures from my time at this wonderful school." I nodded at him and noticed they had a son with them. I saw the man, Lucius look over here and whisper something to his wife. They both started walking towards us as their son went off on the train.

"Well well, if it isn't L/n, long time no see old friend." He looked at my dad with a smirk. His wife nodded at us with a faint soft smile on her lips. "Malfoy! How the time has passed." They both shook hands. "This here is my daughter Y/n, she transferring here from Beauxbatons for her fourth year." I nodded at both of them with a smile "Nice to meet you!"

As the man kept his head high he looked down at me for a split second with the same smirk as before "Likewise." I felt a tad intimidated, the woman then spoke "Our son Draco is in his fourth year too, if you ever need help with anything you can go ask him, I'll make sure to write him a letter to inform him about your arrival." She had such a soft voice that scream power nonetheless. I told her a small thank you and then we all heard the trains horn which signaled its last calling for any students who weren't on board yet. "Oh! You better get going sweetie, we wouldn't want you to miss the train!" exclaimed my mother. She was right. I then said goodbye to the four of them, giving a hug to my parents and got on board.

I hadn't found a place to sit yet and the train had started moving. I figured I probably wouldn't find a compartment that was empty and so I'd need to make some friends. Making friends had never been an issue for me, though now I was transferring so all the clicks had already been made. But you know what they say, fake it till you make it. And so I walked into the next cabin I saw.

There were 3 students sitting there, all looking at a newspaper. Their heads snapped my way as soon as they heard the door open. "Would you mind if I sat in here? It seems I got on board a little too late and all the other compartments are full. They all looked at me, probably wondering why they have never seen me before even though I look about their age and nothing like a first year. "Yea of course!" said the girl with bushy brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Thank you so much." I said smiling at them and putting my bags where they belong.

As I was sitting down I introduced myself to them. "My name is Y/n L/n, I'm transferring here from Beauxbatons, and you are..?" "I'm Hermione Granger" she shook my hand. I then looked at the ginger boy sitting in front of me. I notice he had his mouth full with a chocolate frog as the box was sitting on his lap. "Ron. Ron Weasley." He told me, his voice muffled by the food. I smiled at him and raised my eyebrows as we shook hands as well. I then turned to my left and look at the boy next to me with brown hair and mesmerizing green eyes. He was about to tell me his name but as I noticed the scar on his forehead i said "Well I'll be damned, are you Harry Potter?" "Yes." He laughed as he nodded his head I shook his hand and told them all it was nice to meet them.

The rest of the ride was pretty calmed I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I took out my mp3 from my bag and played some music while reading. The book I was currently invested in was Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, truly disturbing but incredibly well written book.

A/N: I checked, the goblet of fire takes place in 1994, mp3s we're invented in 1987 and the book Lolita was published in 1955 in France.

For future reference, it would be nice of you all to tell me if there are nicknames that make you cringe too much (ex.: baby girl) so that I'll try not using them too much. These will obviously take place later in the book. :)

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