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I had finally survived my first week. Because of the new law that only allowed wizards over 17 years old to compete in the tournament, I don't really know the girls who came. I know OF them but I've never really talked to them. 

It is Saturday and Daphne and I had decided to go shopping this weekend. It was already 11am, so I started getting ready. Yesterday we decided we'd leave around 1pm, or at least after eating, which means I have to be in the great hall in one hour. 

I got ready and put on a cute outfit. As I was about to leave, I heard a knock and Daphne asking me if I was almost ready. I opened the door with a smile. "Yeah, let's go eat, I'm starvinnng." I told her. She replied with a laugh. 

Through out the week, I got to know her and the rest of the gang more. I've never had friends that felt so easy to be around. Even Pansy has started smiling at me. Granted, it looks a tad forced, but at least she's finally realized I'm not here to take her precious Drakie-poo. 

"What do you feel like eating today Y/N?" Daphne asked me as we walked down the halls of the magnificent school. "I'm kind of craving some fruits right now, I don't know about you but eating fruits before a big day gives me so much more energy than anything else." I answered her. I hope there are still some green apples. She had a pensive look on her face. "I don't know, coffee does it for me." She shrugged. 

We entered the great hall which was about a quarter full. I was very grateful to see there was one green apple left and no Malfoy in sight. I sat down and put it on my plate along with some toast and some grapes. I thought I'd start with that and see if I'm still hungry when I'm done. As I was about to take a bit of my apple I was startled by someone talking very loudly. "Oy! L/N! That's mine!" It was Malfoy. 

I looked at him with my brows furrowed. "I don't see your name written anywhere on it?" I answered. He looked at me annoyed "Everyone knows that I get the green apples because they're my favourite." I rolled my eyes. "Well they're my favourite too. You can't have everything you want Malfoy, you'll have to learn that at some point." He looked very irritated by now. He sat next to me and took a deep breath. "I told you not to annoy me, now give me the apple." He demanded. I looked at him dumbfounded. "I didn't initiate this conversation, you did. So I'd say you're the one doing the annoying here." I said not looking at him and turning myself towards my plat. 

He was about to say something when I cut him off. "But, I am willing to share MY apple with you. Simply out of pure generosity." I told him looking at him from the corner of my eye with a smirk on my face. "Sharing?" He said outraged. I turned to him annoyed " Look it's either that or nothing, your choice blondie." He turned his head the other way in a snotty manner. "Fine." he simply said. I smiled, content that I had won. 

I gave him his half of the apple with a sweet smile on my face. He snatched it and left. "Drama queen" I murmured. "Done flirting with the Slytherin prince? If Pansy was here she would've hexed you." Daphne told me with a small laugh. "Flirting? I wasn't flirting. I was simply making him understand I'm not on of his little dolls he can control. It's not because he's absolutely gorgeous that he can tell me what to do." Daphne looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Absolutely gorgeous?" She said. Oops, did I say that out loud? Fuck it, I mean it's not a lie, that guy is absolutely jaw dropping. He doesn't need the ego boost though. "I mean, come on, let's be honest..." I looked at her waiting for an answer. "Let's keep this here though, he does not need an ego boost." She said exactly what I was thinking, laughing slightly. 

After eating, we left for Hogsmeade. It was a long day of shopping, we got some decorations for our rooms and some self-care products for a girls night we'd be having that night. Daphne wanted me and Pansy to connect more, so we'll be spending some time together. I'm very excited, I haven't really had a girls night... ever. 

Before going back to Hogwarts, I wanted to check out some books. Daphne didn't feel like it so she went to wait for me at the Three Broomsticks. As I went to the fantasy section, I recognized a head of bushy hair. "Hermione!" I said approaching her. She turned around and smiled weakly at me. "Oh, hi Y/N." "Are you okay?" I asked her, worried by her reaction. She hesitated, but then started talking. "Harry and Ron don't think it's a good idea for me to talk to you considering your... " She looked like she was trying to find the right words. "Considering my what Hermione?" I asked her. I was frankly shook that she was uncomfortable talking to me when 5 days ago we sat together in class. "Well, considering your latest acquaintances." She ended up spilling it out with a defeated look on her face. 

I didn't know what to say honestly. I looked at her with a disappointed look. "Well, if that's how you think then fine. You don't have to be friends with me." I turned around keeping a straight face and walked out. I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to check out the books, but I'll just go again another time. Anyways, fourth year students can go to Hogsmeade on the weekends freely so it's not like today was a one time chance. 

When I finally made it to the pub, i spotted Daphne, along with two other heads. What are Draco and Blaise doing here? I wonder. I sat next to Daphne, in front of Draco. His face soured as his gaze met mine. Thankfully the waitress came and he stopped glaring at me. What did I ever do to annoy him so much? 

We all ordered butterbeers and Daphne was the first to talk. "Blaise and Draco came in for a butterbeer as I came in so we all sat together. Hey, did you find any book, you were really fast?" She told. "Yeah no, I had a little encounter and decided to just avoid any confrontation." They all looked at me wondering. "Who did you encounter?" Blaise was the one to ask. "Hermione Granger? Do you know her? She's a Gryffindor. I sit next to her during potions. I thought we were on good terms, but her little friends seem to think I'm no good. A bit weird if you ask me, they don't know me at all." 

"Argh, Saint Potter thinks he's all that now does he." Draco more so stated than asked with a spiteful look on his face. I think what I'm getting here is that they don't like each other much. 

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick." I told them while getting up. " Yeah me too." Draco stated getting up as well. I eyed him suspiciously to what he replied "I need to wash my hands." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20 ⏰

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