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Once the train stopped moving, I looked out of the window and realized we had arrived. It was such a spectacular view already I couldn't wait to step out and take a look. Hermione then made me noticed I hadn't changed into my robes, I thanked her for alerting me. "If you want I'll wait for you so that you can change in the bathroom and we can take a carriage together. I wouldn't want you to be alone." She told me. I thought it was so sweet that she would do that for me. I accepted her offer, the guys went on their way, not wanting to wast their time.

Once I had changed we walked towards the carriages. I had learnt a bunch of things on her and we talk about books we liked, I just knew we'd be friends. She insisted I read Hogwarts: A History, as it was her favourite of all time. She even told me I could borrow it from her. We talked until we got to the school and she then went to sit with the two boys from earlier.

I, on the other hand, joined the first years, waiting to get sorted. As I waited impatiently I looked around the huge room and I noticed that a lot of people were staring at me and at someone else, they were all whispering to one another. I looked to my left and saw a boy who look a little older than me, also waiting to be sorted. I guess they decided 1994 was the year for transfer students.

As soon as the sorting began, everyone hushed down. After all the first years had been called, the headmaster announced that there were 2 transfer students who would be joining them this year. I felt all eyes on me and the taller boy standing next to me. He bent down and talked in a low tone. "It's a little weird isn't it? I don't think two new transfer students should be such a big deal." I look at him with a smile. "Yea, I don't really like being the centre of everyone's attention." He didn't have time to answer anything as he was called on the stand to be sorted in his house.

"Cedric Diggory!" As he sat down the teacher put the sorting hat on his head. After about 5 seconds the hat said loudly "Hufflepuff!" The yellow table started screaming happily as the others were simply smiled while clapping their hands. When there was less noise I was called up as well. I looked around as all eyes were on me but one pair caught my eye. They were grey, the boy had blond hair, I recognized him from the train station, Draco Malfoy.

I smiled at him which only made him furrow his brows at me. I felt the hat being gently placed on my head and heard a voice. "Hmmm what do we have here? A L/n, I remember your dad, too smart to be a Slytherin but a whole lot too cunning to be a Ravenclaw. What about you? I see, I see... SLYTHERIN!"

I smiled, I looked at the trio I had sat with in the train, they didn't look too happy, Hermione even gave me a sad smile while lighting clapping her hands. I don't understand why they would react that way, my dad had been in the same house and he's an amazing person. I decided to ignore that and go sit at the green table. The spot I took was close enough to Malfoy. As I sat down, a whole buffet appeared on the table and my mouth started watering instantly.

I preferred keeping quiet as I ate and let people talk to me if they wanted to. I figured once I'd get to my dorm room and unpack everything, then I could start talking to other people.

As I looked up from my meal, I saw this girl staring at me, she had black hair and a hard face, a bit pug-like. Once she saw me look at her she turned her gaze towards the blond boy, and then put her attention back onto her food. The feast went on as friends all around me were deep into conversations of their own.

"Hello!" I heard from my right. It was a girl with blond hair. She smiled and looked at me. "My name is Daphne, Daphne Greengrass." She was the first person to introduce herself to me. I shook her hand. "Pleasure! I'm y/n l/n, I transferred here from Beauxbatons." She had a confused face, but still looked interested in what I had to say. "Why did you transfer? I heard that school is amazing!" At that question I felt more eyes on me than before. I guess people were wondering the same thing but weren't brave enough to ask. "Oh, it's only because my family and I had to move for work and, well, I didn't have many close friends over there, so I thought why not give Hogwarts a try! Also, my dad studied here and he was a Slytherin as well. He always talks about how much he loved his time here so I decided to try it out."

We made a bit of small talk while we finished up our meal. She told me she'd show me the way to the common room so that I wouldn't have to follow the first years. I was glad someone was helping me, I hope we'll be good friends.

A/N: the dorm rooms aren't like in the movie. In this book, there will be a corridor for 4 rooms that are attached to them. They also have their own bathroom. It's nothing grandiose obviously, but they have more privacy (wink wink).

Malfoy (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now