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Character is from Netflix Animation: The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aaravos

-Aaravos kept you in chains 24/7.

-When he was there, when he was gone.

-There's always the feeling of cold metal on your wrists.

-The only exception was that one time you'd broken free.

-The metal chains on the walls connected to cuffs on your wrists.

-Aaravos had been away looking for materials.

-He had noticed the deep, bleeding wounds that had formed due to you constantly struggling against your restraints.

-Little did he know, that all your struggling had somewhat paid off.

-When he left, you pulled a bit more and the chains broke off the wall.

-As soon as they did, you picked up the dragging chains so they wouldn't make noise, and started running.

-He kept you in a small room in the back of his home.

-A banished Startouch elf, keeping an innocent you as his love hostage. (Just a side note: you can be whatever you want to be: human, elf, dragon?? Have fun)

-You scoffed at the irony as you tried the doorknob.

-Surprisingly it was unlocked.

-However, you nearly ran back inside after opening it when the sunlight hit your eyes.

-There were no cracks or windows in your room, so sunlight was something you hadn't seen in a long time.

-Since he kidnapped you.

-Your thoughts were bitter against him and at last, you calmed down.

-Then you started running again.

-Your heart pounded as you realized he could back at any moment.

-You'd wasted too much time being afraid of the sun.

-You had to get out of there.

-You searched for the door, not stopping to look at any of the other rooms you weren't allowed in.

-At last, you made it outside.

-This time, you didn't stop to acknowledge any that you hadn't experienced what was arounf you in so long.

-This time you just ran.

-You headed straight for the woods on the side of the house.

-And just as you entered the forest, you saw Aaravos exiting them in front of the house out of the corner of your eye.

-When he saw you escaping, his heart sank.

-Then, he immediately dropped his supplies and started chasing after you in a mad frenzy.

-Your blood ran cold as you heard his footsteps storming through the woods behind you.

-His angry shouts only fueled your desire to get away from him.

-But he was fast.

-Aaravos caught up to you within minutes.

-And when he did, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the ground.

-"You UNGRATEFUL BRAT!!" he hissed in your ear as you struggled and pleaded for mercy.

-"Did you really think you could escape ME?!?!"

-"I may be a fallen elf but I am still the most intelligent being on this planet."

-"And YOU...you're just a sniveling DISOBEDIENT, UNAPPRECIATIVE little UNDERLING of mine that I just so happened to have fallen in love with."

-You gathered up all the courage you could muster and spoke.

-"I don't belong to you, Aaravos. And I never will."

-"We'll see about that." he growled, and started dragging you home.


                                                                  -TO BE CONTINUED-


Blood are red

Boogers are blue

Hope you all

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