CALLUM (Lover)

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This character is from: The Dragon Prince- Mystery of Aaravos

"You've barely touched your food, honey."

"I don't want to eat."

"You'll become sick."

"I don't want to eat."


"I don't want to eat!!!"

Every day seemed to go like this. Callum would wake up before the sun every morning and drag you up along with him, pestering you about getting your "daily intake."

As the head chef's only daughter, you had shared his interest in fine cuisine. But now, for some odd reason, you rarely found the will to take a bite of the food Callum brought you. It didn't matter how tasty or exotic it smelled, you didn't want it.

What you wanted was no longer in this world. It had been taken from you. He had been taken from you by the very man trying to shove a steamed broccoli casserole in your face.

You swatted it away and lay back on "your" bed, careful not to accidentally tug on any of your chains. Callum had put a dark magic spell on them. If you ever were to break them or slip out of them, they would instantly set off an alarm to Callum.

This also  happens if you pull on them too hard. 

"Look, I know you're mad at me, but we can get through this, sweetheart."

"You killed my father!!! I will ALWAYS hate you and I'll never forgive you!!!"

"Watch you tone when you talk to me, darling. As far as anyone's concerned, YOU killed your father and I'M keeping you hear as a way of reforming you. Which isn't exactly a lie. If you had just accepted me from the beginning, I never would have went to your father for your hand in marriage, and he would still be alive."

Hot tears began to stream down your face. You knew he was a liar; you shouldn't believe anything he said. But....was he right? Could you have saved your father? He died protecting you, maybe if you'd just given in to the inevitable.

After all, Callum is a prince. Of course you wouldn't have a choice in the matter when he asked you to marry him. It was all a matter of time before he got his hands on you one way or another.

And now, no one thinks twice about you being locked away in his room indefinitely. You fell right into his trap. 

Callum watched as you spiraled. The faintest of hint of a smirk on his face.

"Now do you see? Fate led you to me, to this moment. You and I were meant to be together. And all those others were just in the way."

Did he just say "others"? Could he be talking about....Soren?

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