Aaravos (Lover)

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Character is from Netflix Animation: The Dragon Prince- Mystery of Aaravos

-To say that magic-users ruined your life would kind of be both an overstatement AND an understatement all rolled into one.

-You see, not ALL magic users played a part in handing you over as a sacrificial bride to a notoriously evil magic-using fallen Startouch elf that's been banished off to who-knows-where.

-However...it seems that ALL the people that played a part in handing you over to a notoriously evil magic-using fallen Startouch elf that's been banished off to who-knows-where are all magic-users.

-Isn't that funny?

-So basically in short, Aaravos made a trade with some humans to give them anything they desired in exchange for the one thing he desired...YOU.

-And they did it.

-Without hesitation, they snatched you from your bed in the middle of the night, stealing you away from your village (the only home you'd ever known) and cast a spell that teleported you directly into HIS layer.

-He immediately killed them afterwards. 

-He possessed them and made them tear each apart.

-He couldn't risk anyone revealing where his beloved spell had disappeared off to.

-Aaravos was absolutely delighted to be with you again.

-Of course you'd heard many things about him since his time of greatness to his shocking downfall.

-You'd also seen him around a lot growing up.

-The two of you lived in the same village, but you weren't nearly as powerful as him.

-He made that clear the moment you first tried to run from him.

-He caused tight bindings to wrap around your body, barely allowing you enough room to breathe.

-"Remember Y/n, I won't tolerate any of this ridiculousness from you. You're mine now. I OWN YOU. Do you understand?"

-His words played over and over again in your head as you cried yourself to sleep each night.

-He would come to bed shirtless and wrap his muscular arms around you, forcing you to "cuddle" your back into his chest.

-You did your bed to cry softly and without moving your shoulders.

-You remembered one day when he'd woken up from the sound of you crying and sat up, ordering you to tell him what was troubling you.

-You confessed your home-sickness, how wrong it was for him to keep you here against your will, and how your hatred for him grew by the day.

-You had hoped that your words would allow him to see his wrong and permit you to leave, but that wasn't the case.

-Aaravos waited seemingly patiently until you finished talking...then he slapped you.

-"I don't care how much you hate me now. I don't care how bad you want to leave, YOU WON'T. You will stay by my side until death."

-"Then I'll kill myself!" you yelled at him angrily.

-Surely death was better than being locked up for the rest of your life.

-At least you'd be free.

-You worried that Aaravos would hit you again so you covered your face when he moved.

-But instead of slapping you again, he grabbed your arm with one hand and held your face firmly with the other, forcing you to look at him.

-"Oh, my beautiful little potion. With that special seasoning I added to our food earlier, death is forever away for us."


As easy as thought

This became a rhyme

Because Aaravos is


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