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I don't want to be here.

-You were left alone with your thoughts as you lay tied to Callum's bed. He didn't want you calling him Prince Callum and you refused to anyway.

-He was a sadistic, delusional asshole that had everyone in the kingdom wrapped around his ass cheeks. Or at least that's what it seemed.

-You were well aware that plenty of people knew that Callum kept you locked away in his room. You had little to no hope of escape due to the fact that if he said the word, everyone in this kingdom and neighboring ones would come looking for you.

-There are several guards posted on all sides of the room (inside and out) while he's away, just to make sure you don't sneak off while he's gone.

-All the elves and dragons in Xadia would keep their eyes peeled for you if you were to disappear from "your quarters".

-As a kid, you were the head chef's daughter. No one suspected that all that time growing up with Callum and cheering him up whenever he felt down about lacking "princely skills" he would end up having eyes only for you.

-After Callum and Ezran returned from delivering Zym to his mother, Rayla left to search for the wicked dark mage. Callum had been left heartbroken.

-It seemed like every female in his life never kept or reciprocated the love he felt for them. 

-Except you

-A few days after Rayla left, Callum began to truly notice you. His soulmate.

-You were perfect. Someone he'd known and appreciated his whole life. Someone kind and adored by all. Someone who lived in the castle and wouldn't be hard to swoop away. Right?

-Of course it was you. It had to be. You were his lucky third love...and his last.

-Callum started looking for any way to talk to you, or talk to you, or even be near you. He loved you.

-And you were afraid to tell him that you didn't feel the same. So you told your father instead. But wish you never had.

-One day you had left to make a grocery run for your father. You'd made it back pretty quick to hear two voices talking in the kitchen. It was Callum and your father.

-"Barius, as I'm sure you know, I'm in love with your daughter." 

-"I've heard such things, yes."

-"I wish for her hand in marriage."

-Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. He couldn't be serious, right?

-He'd just gotten over Rayla and now he wanted YOU to marry him. And he wasn't even asking you, he was asking your father. The two of your never even went on a date!!!

-"Prince Callum, with all due respect, my daughter has informed me of your sudden...infatuation with her. And I believe it's nice that you see the wonderfulness in my daughter, but as her father I must decline your request. Y/n does not reciprocate your feelings. Though she is growing by the day, she is still but a child. I would be cruel and wicked to push her into the arms of someone she does not love."

-You wanted to run into the room and pull your father into the biggest, tightest bear hug in the world. But before you could do anything, Callum spoke again.

-"Well...that's unfortunate. For you, I mean."

-"If you won't support our union, that's fine. But now I have to get rid of you to keep you out of my way."

-You peaked around the corner just in time to see Callum lift his arms and cast a spell. In front of him, your father started levitating and choking at the same time.

Oh my gosh! He's choking him!!! I have to stop him!!!

-Those were your only thoughts as you prepared to rush into the room and attack Callum. But something stopped you.

-A slight movement above caught your attention. You brought your gaze to it and saw your father shaking his head.

-He knew what you were planning to do and it would only end in a win for Callum. There was no way you could save your father without ruining your own life.


-He whispered with his final breath, then you heard a sharp crack and his body went limp in the air.

-"Who were you talking to?"

-Callum turned to see you looking at him with horror-filled eyes. His face went dark for a moment then brightened back up to it's usual look.

-"Oh, Y/n. I didn't know you were there. I-I can explain."

-You didn't wait for his twisted explanation. You'd seen everything. And there was no way he was going to let you go knowing what you know.

-You immediately turned on your heel and burst out the door. Fighting back tears, you ran as fast as your legs could take you.

-You could hear Callum's voice behind you, calling for you to come back. But you wouldn't. You didn't want to.

-The only things you wanted were your father and to get away from that lovesick murderer.

-You could hear the heavy pounding of the royal guard's footsteps as you hurried into the woods.

-You were no idiot. In fact, you were one of the smartest people in the village. You knew that Callum would twist the story and have you take the blame for it.

-Lately you'd been reading about yanderes and the lies they would tell to bring you to them. Unfortunately, all of those books were on yanderes commoners and none involved the yandere being a prince with the power to send out magic and entire armies to capture you.

-Oh well, nothing seemed to be going right for you today.

-Long story short, you ran and ran. Your lungs ached, your muscles grew sore but you still continued to move forward up until Callum caught you.

-He'd used a spell for wings. A dark magic spell and caught up to you rather quickly. 

-Then, he swooped down and scooped you up into his arms and flew back to the castle. You did your best to fight with your tired body but your efforts were futile.

-You fell asleep and when you awoke, you were tied to Callum's bed charged with the murder of your father.

-And the oh-so-merciful Prince Callum was willing to change and delude you of your "murderous ways" by "keeping you under constant lock-and-key and warping your psychotic mind."

-What a bunch of bull-crap.

-He was the real psycho, yet here you were, chained and orphaned by the prince of the kingdom.

-Lucky you

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