Norman (Obsessed Lover) (Chapter 2)

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-At last, after days of hearing the irritating sound of Norman's pencil working through his weapon plans, Norman finally prepares to leave.

-"Where are you going?" You ask curiously. It wasn't like him to just up and leave out of nowhere.

-"I have to deliver something to the rest of the gang. I'll be back soon."

-You watch silently as he puts on his jacket and gathers his papers in his briefcase.

-Before leaving, he turns back and speaks.

-"Behave yourself, Y/n." 

-Most people would say this as a joke, but you both knew it was more than that.

-It was a threat.

-Norman wouldn't hesitate to punish you if you got out of line.

-Unfortunately for him, you weren't big on listening to others.

-The moment you heard Norman walk out the door, you began counting.

-If you were going to do this, you had to be smart.

-You waited three whole minutes before pulling out the safety pin you've been hiding under the floor tile behind  your cage.

-You'd been waiting for a moment like this to finally make your escape.

-Quickly and quietly, you unfolded the paper clip and picked the lock on your cage.

-The lock came undone and you caught it in your hand before it could hit the ground.

-Even if Norman really had left and this wasn't some elaborate trap he'd planned to see what you would do when he left, you still wanted to be careful.

-You push open the door to your cage and crawl, taking just a moment to stretch your back and legs before heading towards the door.

-You look around, but Norman is nowhere in sight.

-You open the door and see nothing but tall trees all around you.

-Despite knowing that getting to help won't be easy, you remain grateful for just being able to get out of your cage and get away.

-However, just as you were entering the forest, you see Norman walking back towards the house.

-The moment he lays eyes on you, his jaw drops and he immediately gives chase.

-You run as fast as you can into the forest with Norman close behind you.

-Will he catch you or will you finally be able to escape his overbearing control.



Grapes grow on a vine

Apples on a tree

Next up is Chapter Three

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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