another hang out /chp. 7\

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                            (Shino pov)

"Then I threw my wand to the side and used my quirk! I used it more the once and and it was cool but I did pass out" Rikku had finished her story about what happened after we found out Database was dead

Shadow lilly gave Rikku a lilly but he had thoes judgy looking eyes though I'm guessing that's whag happens when tehy have their eyes half closed or something, the eyes can't show everyone thought or emotion

"Thank you!" Rikku said

"So now that we are done looking around and telling the story what do we do?" Asked Clover

"Not sure" I answered and shadow lilly shrugged

"Mmmm, guess we can talk more? And the have one more look around before heading off" Shizu suggested

"Guess that works" sajd Iris

"Uh, shadow do you go to school?" Rikku asked and Shadow lilly nodded their head yes

"Guess you won't say which one" Shzu laughed the mask closed its eyes and it looked like they were laugiing but silently

"You have any cool plans?" Clove asked and they shook their head no

"I would say you could ask questions but you kinda can't, we will make sure to bring paper next time" I said

"Mhm" Said shadow

"Guess that works" I laughed

"I love doing this" Rikku layed down on her back

"Which part of this" Iris asked

"Well hanging out, saving people is nice but can he hard sometimes" Rikku admitted

"True true" said Rikku's lover

Shadow lilly looked up at the sky then layed down like rikku

"Have you been doing this for awhile?" I asked shadowlilly

They nodded their head but just kept looking at the sky

"Looking at the stars?" Clover asked "I'll join"

Me and Iris looked at each other before joing the others

Though after awhile we got up to have one more look around before once again we went out separate ways


"Shinooooo" I heard Rikku though the door

I open in to see she is now in her pjs "yes?"

"I was gonna get water and wanted to see if you wanted some" Rikku said

I sighed 'I'll come with, I'm having a hard time sleeping"

We both went up the stairs "A-arty!?" Rikku said in shook

Artemis was also looking at us in shook "uh- I thought you two were asleep, sorry if I woke you"

"Nah, I kinda woke up then woke up Shino since I thought he may want water since je can't sleep for the love of god" Rikku laughrd and so did arty

"Arty why are you awake?' I asked

Artemis started to laugh nervously " I think you can guess"

I sighed "you where designing clothes"

"Yeahhhhh, I was really close to finishing one then I just keep going" Artemis admitted

"That's bad Artemis" I said

"So is your sleep schedule" he muttered being upset

"Hey!" I said in a upset funny voice

"I'll go back to my room after I drink my water" Arty said

"You'll sleep you mean?" I looked out the window "it's still night!"

"Only if you do" Artemis said with a smug face

"I- fine I will" I walked over and got two glasses of water and put Rikku's on the island

"Well water then a movie!" Rikku said excited

We both looked at Rikku "water then sleep...." She says disappointed

After we all drank our water and put the glasses away we all headed back to our rooms to sleep for the rest of the night

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