the blackmailer /chp.10\

133 11 8

Tw: talks of killing

                            (Kiyo pov)

"Can't believe that all happened" said Sapphire, we were both outside at a table at the school

"Yeah it was something" I said picking at my food

"You could have been expelled!" Sapphire said in a panic

"True but I didn't" I said

"But maybe you still can" Colin said walking uo to us

"What do you want?" I said annoyed

"So spy the whole time" he more or less ignored what I asked

"We went though these already" I said

He sighed and pulled out his phone "you runined a lot you know"

"The only thing you have to use against us is our father and everyone here knows about him" Sapphire says to Coiln

"It reallu isn't when there is something about a test subject the ended the life of many" Colin was staring right at me ad he spoke

"W-what are on about?" Sapphire asked

Colin started to read off the details

Sapphire looked to me "is that true?"

"I-i don't know" I said

"And post" Colin said

"W-WAIT WHAT!?" Sapphire got out of her seat as Colin walked away "t-that isn't good"

"I know it isn't, lets just go to Avain and Venus and tell them ourside, we don't remember or know what that's about" I said

"But what if that doesn't do anything? We have death in our name and plus Colin wasn't done much to make the school not trust him other then love" Sapphire said getting more and more scared "nothing will happen"

"But he has done more then just love" I said having an idea

"W-what?" Sapphire was confused

"We have proof of what he did before with the blackmail" I said

"True, but what will that do?" Sapphire asked

"Well he also used a student's identity so put the blame on" I said

"So what are you suggesting?" My sister inquired

"We go get Artemis and we go to the teachers and tell them about what Colin just did and about the black mail" I said

Sapphire thought about it for a second before agreeing to the plan

                          (Artemis pov)

"Knock knock!" I heard Kiyo yell

I put down my SketchBook and pencil and walked over to the door. I open it to see Kiyo and Sapphire

"Hey we have at like go now if we want to get anything do" Kiyo said and Sapphire grabbed my arm

"What?" I said confused

Sapphire lead me out of the dorm and Kiyo shut the door

"We will explain on the way there" Kiyo says

"Does this have to do with the post?" I asked

"A bit yeah" Sapphire said

We made our way to the teachers lounge while Kiyo and Sapphire explained what we were doing

"Hello?" Sapphire called out and Moodswing opened the door

"Funny enough we were going to come and get you two" said Ronin

"Yeah, we came here due to the post and another thing" Kiyo said walking in with me and Sapphire behind him

"Is there a reason Artemis is here?" Adked bird Jesus

"Yes, it as to do with the person that made the post" I said and sat down in the couch

"The two of you can sit down aswell" Venus said to me and Sapphire so we both did

"So about the post" Ronin said

"We don't know anything about that" Sapphire said

"It's true when Colin was telling us about it he made it seem it was me which I guess it was but I don't remember anything of that" Kiyo spoke

"So it was Colin?" Asked Moodswing

Kiyo pulled out his phone "have it recorded"

"When did you do that?" Sapphire asked

"While he was talking I put my hand into my pocket and hit record" Kiyo explained being proud of himself

"I see" Moodswing says

"But why is Artemis here?" Asked Kowalski

"Its about something else Colin did" Kiyo said

"We didn't plan on saying anything since everyone was so understanding but then he oulled this" says Sapphire

"Colin blackmailed Kiyo and Sapphire before and used my identity to do so" I said

"How?" Avain asked

"He uses his Rubik's cubes to listen in and uses technology to make illusions" Kiyo explained

"It's that is quirk?" Moodswing asked "illusions"

"No" Kiyo smiled "he opened up at the club and revealed he doesn't havr a quirk"

"What?" Kowalski questions

"There sound be something on my phone about it" Kiyo said "or you can do a dorm check"

"We will do the dorm check but the post and blackmail are enough to push him to the edge once ee get the proof about is 'quirk' he will be expelled" Avain explains to us

"I guess that's good to hear" I say

"Can't hurt us as badly anymore" Sapphire says

"We will make sure of it" says Venus

"You kids can go now" Ronin says

The three of us get up and leave the room

                             (Venus pov)

"I will go check colins room" Avain gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room

"I will send an email to Colin telling him to come here" Moodswing says

"Or Acain may have him come here if he is in the dorm" Ronin said

"Can't he to careful" says Kowalski

I go and sit on the couch and sigh "god there is so much happening"

"Trust me I know" Kowalski says to me

After a bit Colin comes in saying he got the email for Moodswing

"We need to speak to you about what you have been doing to a class mate and two of the other students" Moodswing says

After a bit of speaking and some arguing Avain comes in with some proof about Coilns proof

"Well that's the one last thing we kinda needed to have you expelled" Kowalski tells Colin

"Wait what!?" Colin says in shook

"You aren't going to keeo you here with what you have been doinv to students" Ronin says

"And lying about your quirk" I say

Moodswing takes Colin out of the room and says they are going to the dorm to pack up his stuff so he can get going

'god things just keep getting crazyer and crazyer' I thought while drinking some of my tea

Avain comes to sit next to me and starts to go over his lesson plans for class for next day

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