about love/chp.8\

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                       (Kowalski pov)

*Knock knock* "come in!" I shouted

A person wearing all black and a white mask that had purple on it walked into the room and shut the door

I got up from my set and walked out "who are you?"

He took out a lilly flower and put it down on the floor

"Guessing you don't speak" I asked and they nodded

"Well what do you want?" I asked "make it quick before I call the other teachers"

He took out a phone and gave it to me, I look though it and saw things about Kol, Flex, Colin, Ana and others

There were things about Kol being the one to kill his dad how worked here, about them having a club named love about them being apart of the bank heist

"I see, I will have teachers check out these places" I said

The perosn nodded and left the room

                            (No one pov)

Now, how did Shadow lilly get all of this, why not show you? Cause he did a lot of this stuff

                          (Flash backs)
                             (Flex pov)

Annndddd down the latter I go. I headed down to the club room

"Wait Shino?" I asked

Shino was at the computers but he had is hoodie up and his mask on, he turned around quickly

"Wow didn't think I'd see you back" and he just nodded

"Is something wrong with your throat?" I asked and he nodded

"Guess you cane for your stuff" I said and he once again nodded

"Guess you will be leaving?" I asked sadly and he once agaun slowly nodded his head and left the room

                      (Shadow lilly pov)

'that was a close call' I thought and headed back to my dorm

Once I was there I changed into my normal outfit I go out in and left the school once more

I found some abandoned apartment and went to the too floor to see it still have a light though the only thing in here was a table and plans on the wall

I took a picture, now I have the plan and camera footage from love about the bank

"Who the hell are you!?" A man came into the room, he had dome helmet on, he was wearing black and yellow

I hopoed out the window and ran in hopes that he wouldn't follow me

'I really need to be more careful and not take as much time' I noted

"Okay okay fine!" I heard Kol's voice

'god I'm both lucky and unlucky to day, getting all the proof I need but also getting seen way to much'

I pulled out my phone and started to record

"I killed my dad!" Kol admitted

"And you don't feel bad?" Asked a girl with one eye

"No, he deserved it" Kol said

"I-I mean if you say so" said the girl "I don't know him so I wouldn't know"

I stopped recording, god I'm doing to much today but I have a lot of leds, the stuff I downloaded off the computers helped a lot in finding where these places would be, were they would be

I wenr back home and changed into my pjs and started to delete everything off of my phone other then the proof, so when I give Kowalski the phone he won't know how did this

                  (Rikku pov, present time)

I woke up and got changed into my uniform and made my way up starts were I saw Arty cooking

"What are you making?" I walked over to him

"Oh- god Rikku you scared me" Artemis laughed "I'm just making toast"

"Oh?" I asked

"I don't really know how to cook, that's Shino if anything" Arty said

"Is he not up?" I asked

"He went on a quick walk" Artemis answered

"Oh?" I wanted to know more

"Yeah just wanted to go on a walk" Artemis said again

"Orrr he's getting a gift for you~" I suggest

Artemis blushed "I- I don't think so, its to early to go anywhere plus class is gonna start soon"

"I guesss" I really didn't feel like going to class

Arty handed me a piece of toast "eat it then we can start heading to class"

I stuffed it into my mouth"okay"

Arty laughed "can't hear you that well but please make sure not to chock"

I nodded my head and me and artu went to grab our bags, I saw Shino's was gone so I guess he will walk to class after is little walk

I saw arty pull out his phone? Seemed like he got a new one

"New phone?" I asked

"Uh- no, this is the one David got me for my birthday, I just didn't use it cause I had kinda just got myself one the day before" Arty answered

"So what happened to yours?" I asked

"Dropped it" arty said

"That's not to b-" I was about say something before arty cut me off "down the stairs"

"How!?" I said in shock

"Like a night or two ago, yeahhh not my smartest move" he laughed

"Arty you got to be move careful" I said

"I wasn't the only one to break my phone" arty said

"Really?" I asked

"Jake dropped his off the balcony in his dorm yesterday" Arty said

"I didn't know" I told him

"He said it in the group chat" Arty explained

"Oooohhh I haven't checked it yet" I admitted

"Oh rikku, we should get going" said Artemis

"O-oh right" I opened the door and we both left for class

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