last day of school /final\

143 10 20

(Artemis pov)

"Guys are you ready!?" Shino called out

I ran down the stairs "yeah I'm ready" I was wearing the outfit I bought from the mall

"I'm here!" Rikku came from downstairs, she was wearing a light blue kinda summer dress with her witch hat

"Is everyone already there?" I asked

"More or less getting there so we should get a move on" Shino said

We walked out the dorm and met with a few friends

"Hey!" Shizu waved

"Hello" I said

"Guessing you all are friends of Davis?" Asked an older lady walking over with a old man with her

"Yes, and you are?" Shino asked

"Oh I'm betty and this is my husband Harold" said Betty "we are Davis' grandparents"

"Oh! Well its lovely to meet you" I said

"Yeah! We have heard great things about you" Shizu says to the couple

"Well that's nice to hear" said Harold

"So should we get going to the auditorium?" Yuki asked

"We are waiting on someone else" I said

"I'm here! I'm here!" Kat ran in, she was wearing her pink outfit

"And that should be everyone, the rest are in the auditorium saving seats so we should get going" I say

"Well lead the way" says Betty

We all make our way to the auditorium where the seniors are graduating

Once we got in we saw Jake waving us over to where him and Blake were sitting and we all took our seats, lucky we got there a bit early so we could all sit next to each other or near eachother

Blake, jake, me, shino, Betty, Harold, and yuki sat in one row while Rikku, Shizu, clover, Iris, Kat, and Yuuto said infront of us

Some of our other friends sat in different rows or on the other side of the rooms rows, parents and guardians started to also come in and soon the teachers made their way onto stage while the seniors waited on the side to be called up etc

"Welcome all, we are very happy to see that you all came" announced Kowalski "today our seniors with graduate and get their hero license

You could hear the crowd cheering

"We will miss all of these students but we know that they will go on to do great and amazing things for this world" Kowalski says

Soon names started to get called, the student would go on stage and get their diploma and hero hero license then make their way off stage

"Davis!" Kowlaski called out

"OOO GO DAVIS!" Yelled Betty and we call cheered for him, you could tell he he wasn to excited to be on stage infront of these people, he quickly got off, which we knew would happen since he told us ahead of time

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