4 - Hottie in the Tight Suit

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a sec! I'm in NYC and it's my last day here lol. I got to see Sweeney Todd on broadway!!

Although he seemed...douche-e, you had to admit, Miguel O'Hara had a nice ass. Especially wearing a tight suit all day—which Layla later informed you was a holograph—made it sound even better.

Snapping out of your trance, you noticed Miguel had turned to you with an annoyed expression.

"We're back in your universe. I'll take you back to the spider-verse later, I just need you to do whatever you need to get done." He said, his stern expression barely faltering.

"Okay....So how do I get back? I don't have a fancy watch." You shrug.

"I'm going with you. Kinda thought you'd pick up on that!"

"Oh. Alright. Like, in our spider suits...? Or just you in your spider suit...? Like what's going on."

All of the sudden his stoic expression broke to reveal he was a bit...flustered? Oh?

"Well- I was uh....I was hoping you'd have like....extra clothes or something? Or we could just go buy some...?" He looked at his feet.

"Ohhhh? Is Miguel O'Hara flustered? Oooooh! A power has been bestowed upon me!" You joked, giggling a bit. He looked at you, seemingly angry, but you could see a smile crack on his face.

You quickly gestured for him to follow you, rushing to your apartment. Once you made it, you took the spare key from under the mat and opened the door. Your large leonbeger, Vasquez, greeted you at the door.

You pet the dog as Miguel stood behind you, a bit stunned you had such a big pet. I mean, a 200 pound fluff ball isn't what he expected.

You smiled at him, quickly running to grab him some normal clothes.

When you returned, you saw Miguel and your dog bonding. He was basically cradling her, calling her a good girl and giving her small kisses as her tail wagged aggressively. You grin ear to ear and chuck the clothes at Miguel.

Cat In the Bag - Miguel O'Hara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now