5 - Soft Spot

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A/N: gonna try to make my chapters longer. I normally do a minimum of 1k words but with story I've been lazyyy 😭 (update from me in the end I didn't do it LMAO)

You saw Miguel loving the dog and calling her pet names. His eyes gleamed with happiness when looking at her. He wasn't being too affectionate but....he clearly loved the dog.

Miguel noticed your presence and cleared his throat, sitting up properly.

"So um...what's your dogs name...?" He muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Vasquez. Like the Aliens character." You smiled, nodding a bit.

(If you don't like Aliens/Alien all I have to say is: HOW?! Ik I have the movie taste of a 45 year old man but only some of the movies are bad. Aliens, Alien, Alien 3, and the Alien Vs Predator movies are good.)

"What's...'Aliens'? I don't know if it's movie or what." He questioned.

"Oh, I uh, I forgot you're from 2099. It's a movie series about this team that goes out into space and gets mauled by aliens and stuff. The aliens are actually called xenomorphs, though-" (LET ME BE A DORK)

"Dios mío, no debería haber preguntado. ¡Hablas tanto, niña!" He said.

"Okay then...." You nodded slowly, looking away.

"So uhh...what're we doing here?" He rolled his eyes at your question.

"Whatever you need to 'get done'. I don't care what it is, just do it so we can leave."

You nodded as a respond and walked to your kitchen. You grabbed some dog food and put it in Vasquez bowl, then gently laid it on the ground for her.

"C'mere, Vasquez!" You called her. She ran over immediately.

She devoured her food and drank some of her water as you walked to Miguel.

"So you like...dogs?"

"I guess..." He looked to the floor, still a bit flustered.

"Cool." You nodded.

"...Yeah." He nodded back.

After that very intriguing and interesting conversation consisting of many topics, you walked to your living room and plopped on the couch.

"Um...what're you doing...?" He furrowed his brows.

"TV. It was calling me. 'Can't resist the temptations, big boy." You put your feet up and turn on the tv.

"I've never really seen such an...old...tv." He raised an eyebrow, inspecting the electronic as he walked to it. "Weird."

"Hey hey, this is my 22" Roku TV. No one disses Roku by callin' 'em old." You joked.

"We have Roku in 2099 too, you know. Just...better." He shrugged.

"Weiiiirdddd." You sat back and opened Netflix. Miguel sighed a bit and sat beside you, still keeping his distance.


You glitched.

After 10 minutes of you sitting on the couch, a glitch happened. Your hand moved and appeared with all different colors and shapes. Although it was oddly pretty, it was so fucking painful.

You groaned in pain when it stopped, holding your head with both hands. Miguel's eyes widened, looking at you with confusion and realization.

But I thought this was your reality....?

A/N: IK I SAID ID MAKE IT LONG BUT LOOK!!!! CLIFF HANGER!!!! WOW!!!! plz eat this up 🙏

Cat In the Bag - Miguel O'Hara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now