Chapter One: Love for bread

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Inside the green forest, up in the hill of town, lies an abandoned house. There, lives two brothers with their chainsaw dog pet. Two of them couldn't find any places to live but at least the house serve it's purpose to shield them from the rain that'll soaked them whole at any moment.

Ah, that's right.

Denji and his younger brother, (Y/n).

The brothers were struggling in their daily life, burdened by the debt of their father leave them upon his death, to settle it for them. Sometime they buy food, sometime they hunt an animal roaming around the forest near their so called 'House'

Denji awaken from his sleep, he gently rised himself from the mattress that soften his body, there's no pillow on it. That mattress felt like a solid concrete but he has no choice but to be grateful, at least he isn't sleeping on a solid ground.

Pochita can be seen sleeping comfortably near Denji's leg. Denji moved his eyes to the side and saw his younger brother, (Y/n), floating above the table near his mattress. Everytime he sees this, it's making him chuckle or even smiled at his younger brother floating as if he's in space but in reality, (Y/n)'s psychic power is responsible for that, his psychic power manifest from his body and aimlessly made (Y/n) floating in the air like an astronaut inside their space station when he's sleeping, it's really rare when he doesn't float and sleep like a normal human being.

Denji smiled, He gently grab his younger brother's arm to shake him up so he can wake up from his slumber "Yo, (Y/n). Wake up, we're heading to work!" Denji told his sleeping younger brother but to no avail.

He shakes his floating body again to wake his younger brother up "(Y/n)! Wake up! Today, we're going to work!" Denji yells, he earn a flinch from his younger brother, successfully waking him up.

(Y/n) stirred awake and rubbed his sleepy eyes "Mm.. Why are you yelling, big bro?" (Y/n) asked, a bit irritated by his older brother's screaming at the start of the day. Denji smirked and stands up, Pochita cutely hopped from the matress and land softly next to Denji with his cute paws.

"Get up, We're going to work" Denji informed.

"Mmm.. Sigh.. Alright.." (Y/n) rolls in the air like a wheel and grabbed his grey jacket hanged on the wall. He remove the hanger and placed it on the table before putting the jacket around his body, the psychic younger brother of Denji made his way to descend on the ground, (Y/n) follows his older brother and Pochita walking out from the front door.


After walking seemingly for like 2 minutes, they finally arrives at the streets. The three of them walked side by side, (Y/n) in the middle while Pochita and his older brother walked together with him.

For Denji, his younger brother is a gifted child. Born with supernatural powers even the entire world couldn't comprehend including himself, Being a responsible big brother he is, he tried his best to not let (Y/n) falls into the a wrong hand. The government might tried to kidnap his younger brother from him and experiment on him, or worse, they will take his powers and obtain it for their selfish deeds.

Denji doesn't complain nor secretly hating his younger brother for being born with the supernatural powers, Instead of hating him, He tried his best to take care of him and wouldn't let anyone to take his only remaining family member from him.

Denji and his younger brother work together to slay and hunted devils for money as long as they can remember. The debt got lowered and eventually it'll go poof so very soon.

Not so soon, tho.. Their debt still at 30,021,090 yen. But hey! that's some progress!

(Y/n) has been training on how to use his powers in order to help his older brother, throughout the whole years he's been living with older brother, he's already mastering it and knew how to use it properly. Denji also reminded (Y/n) that his powers only used when they go to work to slay devils or hunt animals in the woods. Never use them against a person or hurt others, that's what come from Denji mouth, giving a logical advice towards his younger brother.

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