4. Aida

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When we made it back to my place, we sat down with our wine and ice cream, and the Great Bake Bonanza on in the background. I filled Millie in. Of course she knew about my eye, but I had managed to graze over how it happened. So we sat there, the picture of hot mess', shovelling spoons of dairy goodness in our mouths, followed swiftly by glugs from our respective wine bottles, tears and snot mingling on our upper lip. "Oh Aida.. I'm so sorry. Here I was waffling on about the guy and he was involved in the accident. I am such an idiot." Well I hardly knew it was Lachlan she was talking about seeing as she never had a name for the guy but still. It's nice to know she's on my side regardless. "Honey, I didn't know it was him you were talking about, don't worry! If you really are that into him, go for it. I was never going to be able to avoid this forever. I was bound to run into one or all of them at the reunion too." I mean the reunion wasn't for another few years but I sure as shit wasn't missing it. It was my time to show everyone that I didn't let the events of that night stop me. I became a successful business woman, selling my crochet pieces on Etsy, then progressing to my own platform. That's not the point. I will not let Lachlan affect me.

Once the dramatics are over, and we find out Julie's apple crumble has a soggy bottom, we clean up the remnants of our breakdown. We both amble about, me washing the dishes while Millie dries them, when she clears her throat. "So, um, I know Halloween is not your thing, for obvious reasons. But....". The elongated 'but' makes it clear I'm going to need to prepare myself for the next part of this sentence. "...remember I booked two tickets for Jennie and I for the haunted house in Cootes Farm? Well Jennie can't go anymore, and I know it's not your thing, but I'd really hate to go alone". I can feel my heartbeat racing. Halloween means fireworks, and fireworks mean flashbacks. "I go every year and I promise they have never had fireworks, or any major pyrotechnics." She rushes out, so fast I'm not sure I even caught half of it. The panic must have been written all over my face. I mean, I could go right? If there's no fireworks, I'll be fine. It's not that whole celebration I avoid, it's just that almost every event linked to 31st October has fireworks and bangers as the main attraction. If this hasn't, it means I can enjoy a fun day out with Millie. "You're sure there's no fireworks?" I double checked. " I promise. This will be my 5th year and they've never had them before!". Okay. I can do this. Rolling my shoulders back, I turn to her, placing the last plate on the draining board "Sure, I'll come. When is it?"

3 days later, I'm sitting in the library, flipping through various pattern books when a tall figure casts a shadow on the other side of the shelf. He has his back to me, so it gives me a chance to peruse. Tall, broad shoulders, with the ends of a tattoo peeking out from under his t-shirt. Black distressed jeans cling to a juicy butt. Why don't more men have juicy butts by the way? Men are generally classed as ass or tit guys. Well I'm an ass girl, and this ass, phew is it fine. He rolls his shoulders, as if sensing he's being watched, but doesn't turn around yet. Instead, he stretches up to the top shelf, to get a book. Holy mother of forearms. There's various porn available. Male on male, female on female, orgys, the works. People make a fortune filming their intimate moments. Well, let me tell you, the person who comes up with a website or subscription for forearm porn, will be an instant billionaire. If I were a casting agent, this guy would be my main actor. Each of the tendons from his hand stretched perfectly under the skin and he tried to wiggle the book from between its neighbours. The thick veins bulge from wrist to elbow, straining under the pressure. I might be drooling but I don't have time to wipe it before he turns. It's like a bucket of ice water has just been thrown over me. No longer hot and bothered, I'm ice cold and rigid. Porn star forearms, is Lachlan. I scramble to look normal, not so subtly wiping the side of my mouth to ensure no visible drool. Lachlan stares at me from over the shelf, looking like he's trying to figure out what I was just doing. I suspect he already knows but is trying to be polite about it. "Hi", he says, shrugging his shoulders like this is the most casual conversation he's ever had. I can feel the flush on my face as if I've just started menopause and had a round of hot flushes. I mean, I could try to use that as an excuse right? Early menopause is a thing. Plus, I don't know a man that doesn't visibly recoil at the mere mention of 'women's issues'. I smile, drop the book in hand, and grab my bag, muttering a quick "Hi, gotta go" and start hightailing it down the aisle. I'm almost at the computer area, beside the nearest exit when a warm hand grips my wrist. Tingles immediately shoot up my arm and my heart starts racing. Not in the way it should when an almost stranger grabs your arm unexpectedly. These tingles move from the point of contact, up my arm, through my chest and straight down south. If I had a penis, it would be at half-mast right now. I have a female boner. Good lord, could this get any worse. I turn on my heel to face Lachlan. I know it's him because there's no one else on this floor. "You left in such a hurry, you forgot your book". He nods to the book about basic basket stitching. When he hands over the book and looks back at my face, I panic. I'm not sure if he heard the news about my eye. I know he was there that night, but I hadn't seen him again since. I grab the book and shove it in my bag. "Thanks. Um, great seeing you again Lachlan. Bye". I go to turn and keep making my way towards the door when I hear, "Oh so you do remember who I am. I was beginning to think you didn't remember me." God, where did that come from? The Lachlan I remember was never so vocal or cocky. He has a beautiful, deep voice. One I don't think he could quite get used to when puberty hit. I had only heard him speak a number of times before we distanced. "Yea, I remember you" I sigh, turning to face him. "What do you want? We haven't spoken in years, and now you turn up here? What do you want from me Lachlan?". He looks visibly taken aback. As if he wasn't expecting me to bite back. Well, little does he know I've changed a lot too. "Have coffee with me? We can catch up and talk without trying to force awkward conversation when we bump into each other around town? Just one coffee." Yeah right. Like that's ever going to happen. Except, he makes a point. Can we keep doing this awkward run in thing, for however long he is staying around town? Not really. The gossip tree around here is phenomenal and if the Yoga Grannies caught wind of any of this, I'm sure they'd have a section in the gazette with daily updates. "One Coffee, that's it." I hold up one finger, just to make sure my point gets across. It must come across accusatory because his hands go up by his head as if I'm pointing a gun at him. "One coffee. Will we meet at Bumble Bee?". That's where Millie works. Fantastic. I have an escape route if I need one. "Bumble Bee is perfect. Does Tuesday at 11am suit you? I have somewhere to be in the afternoon, so...". He takes a deep breath, as if my response decided whether he got oxygen or not. "Tuesday is perfect. I'll see you then Aida." He walks past me, the tattooed arm brushing against me, absolutely not sending another wave of those tingles down south.

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