7. Aida

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Days rolled into weeks and we were nearing the end of October. Lachlan and I have caught each other up on life. What I missed in his life, becoming an electrician, his sister got engaged and his parents went on their first all-inclusive cruise holiday during the summer. I filled him in on my crochet business and any other goings on, which amounted to about 2 minutes of conversation. I don't get out much. I spent a lot of time explaining the condition of my eye. There were tears on my end, and lots of demonstrations of me modelling previous prosthetics, when I went through my goth phase and asked for red and purple irises because I thought it would make me look tougher. He held my hand through it all, never recoiling once, and actually laughed a little when I brought out my collection. I explained the pain recently, due to a small infection in the scar tissue, and he simply got up, made a fresh pot of tea, and returned to my side, lifting his arm around my shoulder, and pulling me close to his side. He smelt of sweat, the nice kind and something earthier. I snuggled in closer, his nose pressing to my head, He takes a sharp breath in, and I look up at him. "While I love how forward you're being, could I ask that you remove your hand from my dick.", he stifles a laugh/groan as I scramble back to the other end of the couch. Somehow, while snuggling up to him, I put my hand over his dick to hoist myself closer to him. Kill. Me. Now. But then I get an idea. I look him in the eye and repeat the words he said to me in the shower a couple of weeks ago. "Lachlan, tell me to stop now. If you don't, we're doing this." His laugh turns into a moan when I drag my nails down his chest. "Aida, I'm sure. But are you sure?" I answered him by taking off my top, throwing it across the other side of the room. I crawl off the sofa and sit on my hunkers between his legs. I see his dick twitch in his pants. I look up at him, watching the heat in his eyes flare as he looks at my chest. "Like what you see?". He groans, palming himself through his jeans. I take pity on him, covering his hand with mine and moving it out of the way. I undo the button and pull down the zip and let his dick free of its denim confines. He's not wearing boxers. I look up at him again, an eyebrow raised. He simply shrugs his shoulders and says "It's wash day". I take his dick in my hand, getting used to his size. He'll need two hands to cover it completely. I move my hand once, testing out how he feels. I pick up the pace a little, using one hand to stroke his dick, the other to hold onto his thigh. His breath is increasing in speed. I lean down and lick his tip, swirling my tongue around the crown and down the length of him. "Aida, I'm not going to last long if you keep doing that", he groans. Of course, I keep going, taking more of him in my mouth each time I go down. I move my hand from his thigh and start cradling his balls. He lurches forward on a gasp, sending his cock further than before. I almost gag. Instead, drool leaks out from the corner of my mouth and I use it as extra lubrication. He starts calling my name, almost like a chant. His hand has reached for my hair, using it as leverage to fuck my mouth. I'd never really enjoyed giving head until now. No one's ever been this vocal. The fast I move the louder he gets. I love it. He's fucking my mouth mercilessly, and I can tell he's about to lose control. He cock twitches in my mouth. He pulls out at the last second, cum spilling all over my tits. He sits back groaning. "Jesus" . I laugh, loving the control I have over him in this moment. I kiss my way up his chest as I stand, hovering over his lips before I swipe two fingers into the mess on my chest and suck. He groans again, trying to reach for me as I turn towards the bathroom to clean myself up. I run, grabbing a towel and throwing it at him. Before I step into the bathroom and close the door, I unclasp my bra, dropping it to the floor. He throws his head back and groans, "Aida, what am I going to do with you".

It's the night of the haunted house event. I'm excited. Being with Lachlan has helped to reduce the normal level of anxiety I have this time of year. I should probably dig deeper into that one. I decided to dress up to get into the swing of things. I'm nervous. It's been a long time since I celebrated anything to do with Halloween. I'm also excited. Millie is meeting me there, along with two other people she met at Bumble Bee who told her they had tickets as well. She's adopted them since the revelation and has been chatting to them ever since. I finish the last of my make up and get a taxi to the field.

The experience started far before the haunted house. On the road leading to the field where the house is located, various carved pumpkins line the paths. The closer you get, the intensity of the design increases, along with various other decorations. One nearby house even had a scarecrow dressed as a witch in their back field. The traffic slows and the brake lights from about 20 cars add to the ambience. I've been stuck in the queue for nearly 10 minutes when Millie texts asking where I am. "Hey, I think I'm gonna walk from here. It's not far and my friend is texting me that I'm gonna be late". I tap my card on the reader and hop out, careful not to trip in any pot holes or dips in the road. The paths have stopped, leading to a dirt track towards the event. I finally round the corner to the entrance when a horrifying wail sounds beside me and a woman who looks like she hasn't brushed her hair in years flies out in front of me. I squeal and run the rest of the way to the mansion door, seeing Millie's eccentric IT costume - the brightest yellow coat she could find - waiting in line. I'm engulfed in hugs and swiftly berated for almost causing us to be late.

We pass through the line for ticket scanning relatively quickly. There's various sections of the mansion to investigate, each given a level of 'hauntedness'. We agree to work our way from least to most scary, starting in the East Wing, moving across and then up. There are five sections total; East Wing, West Wing, Ground Floor Mez, 2nd floor, and roof/attic. The roof is open top, but they have temporary gazebos up to protect the decorations and actors from the elements. East wing is fine. We're accosted by a man in a ski mask, wielding a mallet and smearing 'blood' on the walls as he passes. The groaning noises he made were probably scarier than the acting itself. West wing was equally as manageable. A little girl locked in a cage, shaking the iron bars and making a racket. Dismembered bodies lay strewn around, and we had to get into a 'coffin' to pass through to the next stage. Ground floor mez was a lot of zombie apocalypse type shit. Meh. I've watched enough Netflix to be completely unfazed. 2nd Floor is when the anti-really picks up. There are men chasing us around with chainsaws and it's a game of cat and mouse, until you find the exit to get to the roof. I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying myself. When we reach the roof, it seems to have calmed down a little. The room is pitch black, with a loud banging noise. When the rest of our group make it to the roof, the lights go on and it's carnage. I can only describe it as a zombie ridden dentist's office. . What will freak them out the most. I can picture the lightbulb moment. There is a 'patient' on the table, with blood oozing from their mouth, bubbling each time they try to speak. There are people in the waiting room, toothless, covered in blood and missing various limbs. The 'dentist' is wielding his little drill thing and waving it our direction when each of us are grabbed by something. I scream, Millie laughs and the two others look like they might pass out any second. Another set of lights go on and we see the empty dentist beds lined up. Each of us is ushered towards it and one arm shackled in. The dentist takes his turn 'checking for cavities' with each of us. By the end of it, I'm covered in fake blood, and laughing so hard with Millie, I'm crying. I make it to the other side of the tarp that separates the 'attic' from the roof. Were asked to wait there while a member of staff came to get us and lead us back to the start. That was amazing. Until it wasn't. Shortly after coming out onto the open roof the fireworks start. It's like going back in time. I'm frozen in place. I see the fireworks coming at me again. I feel the burning pain. I can hear Millie calling my name, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. It feels like she's in a different universe. The bright lights and pop pop of each firework sends me into a tailspin. I'm reliving that moment again and again and again. The moment of realisation. The searing pain, both phantom, and real from the pain in my chest. I'm not sure how long it's been, but it feels like an eternity when I hear Lachlan's voice through the fog.

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