9. Aida

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It's 10pm, Millie, Lachlan and I are sitting on the couch, a share size pizza and about 10 different sides sitting in front of us. I still feel quite weak and get the odd flashback every so often, but for the most part, I'm over my little episode. It's all a bit of a haze now, and I'm getting sleepy. Lachlan was splitting his sides laughing, while Millie was as red as a tomato. "I didn't know who you were! You winked at me! I tend to get a bit carried away with relationships", she cries. Lachlan turns to me, clutching his ribs, gasping for air and asks "she really said she was going to have my children?". I nod, starting to laugh a little myself. I can't help but yawn. It's been a long evening and I am more than ready to curl up in my bed, wrap myself like a little burrito, and sleep for a week. I might even ask Lachlan if he'll stay. "Guys, I'm really fucking tired. Would you mind if we called it a night? I'll be okay. I just need to sleep it off." They both nod, like the dutiful people they are and begin flurrying around the room, sorting the recyclables and food waste. "Hey guys, I'm just going for a quick shower!" They both grunt a response and I run in, hoping to be able to catch Lachlan before he leaves.

I wrap the towel around my body and get ready to head back out to the guys. Millie is my best friend so this is normal for her. Lachlan made me cum in the shower so, were past the awkward naked stage at this point. There's hushed conversation outside. I open the door a smidge, hoping the steam doesn't let them know I'm listening. I want to know how they get on when I'm not around. I know Millie has some reservations, especially after what I told her. I know she's just trying to be protective of me, but I've been the happiest I've been in a long time since Lachlan's been around. The episodes have lessened, tonight notwithstanding, and it feels like I've been making progress. I need them to get along. "Lachlan, you need to be careful with her. She told me she was heartbroken when you stopped talking to her. Then you rocked back into her life and it's like she's complete. You can't hurt her. She's fragile. Her condition still gives her trouble. She still has nightmares. She still doesn't leave the house on Halloween night. Please just be careful." I mean, I'm not as fragile as Millie is letting on, but I'll let it slide this once because I know she feels guilty about tonight. "I'm aware of her condition. It doesn't mean anything to me. She's still perfect. She endured a 4.5 hour surgery, had 3rd degree burns in and around her eye. There was no saving it. She had an enucleation surgery to remove her eye and she wore a patch and got a prosthetic eye. I know she passed out and we nearly lost her twice in the ambulance before she even got to hospital. I know everything about her condition because I was there, Millie. I was there the whole time. The fact she came out the other side, and is still able to live on the bright side of life is a miracle. Millie, I'm in this, I promise". My heart swells at the fact he thinks I'm perfect and is willing to stand up for me to my best friend. Only that swelling turns from happiness to anger. He was there. The whole time. He never told me. When I explained my surgery to him a few weeks ago, he smiled and nodded dutifully, pretending to be shocked, gasping at the appropriate times as I explained some of the details. Yet somehow, without me telling him everything, he knows the same if not more about what happened to me than I do. How dare he! I push the door open and walk towards him, pointing my finger right in his face. "You were there? The whole time?". He has the nerve to look shocked. I can't believe him. Why didn't he just tell me? "Aida, I.. how much did you hear?". "I heard all of it. The fact you stayed with me the entire time, the fact you know more about what happened in that ambulance than I do. The fact you know all of the details of my surgery, but still let me sit there like a fool, blubbering my way through the story. What I don't understand is why you didn't. Fucking. Tell. Me!". I mark each word by poking him the chest. "Aida, we hadn't spoken in months. I didn't even think you cared about me anymore. Why would I just rock up to you and say 'hey, I stayed with you during the hardest time of your life' , now you have to talk to me again'? I didn't tell you because it didn't matter. It didn't change anything". He has to be joking right? It didn't change anything. It would've changed everything. We wouldn't have lost all that time. I would have had someone. You lack a lot of friends at that age when you can't be fun and happy all the time. I might not have had to move. I could have stayed with my family. I feel like I'm bubbling from the inside out, like a pot of boiling water. "Get out". He looks shocked. "GET OUT!". This time he recoils. As if my words physically hurt him. He tries to talk to me but I've already tuned him out. I walk back to my room, dive onto my bed and hold in my tears until I hear the front door shut. Deep, heart shattering sobs wrack my body. I'm cold but sweating at the same time. I can hear Millie still filtering around the kitchen, cleaning up. She's giving me space before she comes in with tea. It's her routine. Until then, I sob and cry myself into oblivion. 

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