Chapter 34

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♡ Noor ♡

We were on our way back home in the car with Spotify music running in the background leaving the beautiful hills of Manali behind.

Ayaan Bhai--

My fault. Sorry. Ayaan is driving the car.

Why do I feel giddy inside even if it's just me pronouncing his name in my mind. I've muttered just his name before but this time it feels different. Maybe because I know that this time I'm not imagining him as my brother but something more.

But what? We didn't get the time to discuss about the dimensions of our relationship. What does he have in his mind for our future?

"Let's take a break here." I heard Ayaan Bhaijaan.... Ayaan say. I'm still getting used to it. Gosh, if I'm this much nervous in mind what will happen when I actually need to vocalise his name.

We came out of the car and saw that we stopped at a gas station. Ayaan gave the car keys to Abbas Bhai asking him to get the car filled with CNG.

"Noor, help me with buying a few things from the convenience store." Saying this he started going towards the store without waiting for my response.

I was startled for a second hearing my name from his mouth and on top of that the weird looks that Aleema throwed at me weren't helping at all.

Ahmad Bhaijaan let out a slow whistle directed towards Ayaan who didn't even bothered to spare him a glance.

My felt my face heating up and followed him after sticking my tongue out at Aleema. Childish, I know. But that's the best kind of insult my mind could come up with at the moment.

Once inside the convenience store we took a basket and I just followed him like a child who came for shopping with her father holding the basket in my hands.

He took few cans of cold coffee and some bottles of water. Picking up the packets of Sandwiches and Bagels he was done with his shopping.

Wait, don't we get some snacks?

"Go and pick whatever you like but it doesn't mean the whole store." He said giving me one of his strict eye look.

But his words made me extremely happy and giving him my toothiest grin I said, "Roger that captain."

And now I was picking all kinds of chips and Kurkure and some biscuits with lots of other savoury snacks and a few bottles of cold drinks. 'Now this is where the shopping ends.' I thought with a satisfied smile.

When I went towards the cashier, Ayaan was waiting there and took the basket from me putting it on the counter. I was looking around the store wondering it would had been better if Taya Abbu and Abbu had started a convenience store business. I could get free snack whenever I want. *Sighs in disappointment*

"Chale?"  His voice broke my daydreaming and I nodded my head following him towards the exit.

While following him I looked up and my mind went back to think about how tall he is. I can hardly reach his chest and will probably look like a child in front of him if not for his handsome looks.

Don't focus too much on the word Handsome. It's just I am really kind and think that beauty should be appreciated.

The horses of my thoughts were running haywire when he abruptly stopped in front of me. 'Did he heard what I was thinking in my mind?'

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