Chapter 35

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✷ Ayaan ✷

The sun was about to set in the evening and the birds were on their way back home after a tiring day.

We were back home yesternight and decided to take a day off after that really long drive and sleep off all the tiredness.

I was just standing in the balcony of my room thinking about the past events that happened on our Manali trip.

I confessed.

Noor accepted my love.

I proposed her for marriage.

She gave me her consent.

It feels like finally my love has found the solace in her palms after wandering for so many years.

Now I should talk to our parents and convince them for our marriage. I'm sure there isn't much to convince but Chacha and Chachi may have some doubts in their heart because of the not-so-pleasant past experiences.

*Knock* *Knock*

The chain of my thoughts were broken by the knock on the door.

Opening the door my eyes came across a shy little girl who could hardly look up at me. Peaking through the lashes of her light brown orbs she bit her lips that resembles the colour of pink crysanthemum, and they bloomed into a beautiful smile.


I could just nod silently and thank the Almighty for being so gracious and listening to my prayers.

"Then come downstairs. Abbu and Taya Abbu are back from office. We are about to show them the pics and videos of our trip and give them the gifts we bought."

The excitement in her voice was so contagious that I felt myself smiling without any effort.

I extended my palm indicating her to walk ahead and followed her down the stairs to the living room where everyone was already seated.

Ammi and Abbu were seated on the three seater sofa with Noor now occupying the space left beside Ammi. Chacha and Chachi were both seated on the two single seater sofa. Abbas was sitting on the carpeted floor near Chachi getting his head massaged by her. I sat with Ahmad and Aleema on the carpeted floor as well across Noor.

"What took you guys so long?" Ahmad said with taking a sip of his tea to hide the cunning smile surfacing on his lips.

"But we didn't take much time." Noor said looking around to find everyone looking at her.

I took my cup of tea and picked up a piece of hot pyaaz ka pakoda.

"Oh? But you were--" I stuff the over chattering mouth of my brother with pakoda shutting him up.

"Eat before it gets cold." He gives me an offended look but the smile on Noor's face is much more worthy than his brainless teasing.

"Alright, enough of your childish banters. Noor beta, we have something to ask you." The environment filled with humour shifted to one of the serious ones by Chachu's words.

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