A Madness to Their Methods

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New Yoke City was peaceful....for now. The Chaos Council had left the city to hunt down the shards of the Boscage Maze and No Place. The Resistance members were cheering happily as they ran around the deserted town, Knucks and Rebel also walking side by side together, not knowing that they would be returning more powerful than ever. "Can you believe it? This is everything we, and our boss, hoped for," Rebel told Knucks in a happy manner.

"Kids playin' with busted up Eggforcers?" Knucks asked more confused than happy. He too was happy by the happiness the people were sharing across town. "Not that. Freedom. With the Chaos Council gone, we can finally make New Yoke City what we want. What it's citizens deserve, what our boss wanted. Return it to the way it was," Rebel then explained to Knucks.

She sighed, happily thinking about the palm trees they formerly had. Knucks brought up the idea of beaches, but the good and happy thoughts had to come to an end, for the Chaos Council's Mother Ship had returned through a rift in the sky. "This can't be good," Knucks told Rebel, who nodded. Both took to the rooftops to get a closer look.

Sonic and Dread were still holding on to their dear lives as Dread was seen nearly loosing his balance. "This be more than I bargained for!" he screamed as he finally let go of the ladder. Sonic whipped his head around to see Dread falling from the Mother Ship. "Dread!" Sonic exclaimed as he watched his friend fall.

Realizing he had no other option, he jumped from the ladder he was holding onto to go save him. Sonic dive bombed through the air as Dread was screaming for his dear life. He screamed at the sight of Sonic. "Sonic?! What are you doing?!" he yelled. "I'm saving your life!" Sonic yelled back. He grabbed Dread with his tendrils and teleported him to a rooftop. Dread landed on one of the roofs, but then peered over the edge to check on Sonic.

He had to cover his eyes when he watched Sonic land in a garbage dispenser. When he opened them, he heard Sonic's groans of disgust. At least he be ok, Dread thought with a smile. Flipping around, Dread looked up at the Mother Ship in the crimson colored skies. "Me beauty..." Dread trailed to himself. He shook his head, remembering how he abandoned and lied to his crew. He couldn't make that mistake again. All he wanted to do was grab his shard and head home.

The citizens from below looked up at the towering Mother Ship that flew over them, many starting to question it as well. They all then ran away in fear as Mr. Doctor Eggman parked the Mother Ship back on top of their normal base, or fortress as Rebel and Knucks called it. Rebel watched in horror as the power returned to the city. "So much for what we hoped for," Knucks said with a sigh.

The broken down Eggforcers also powered back on, scaring some citizens and appearing behind Rebel and Knucks. They both spun around to see the Eggforcers preparing to fire. "Ah coconuts..." Knucks moaned as both him and the bat found themselves surrounded.


"Ah...can't you just taste the soot and ozone?" Mr. Doctor Eggman asked Done-it from one of the windows of their base. Done-it only scoffed in response. "We never should've left it in the hands of those ignorant peasants!" he snarled, putting his cane down and leaving his boss. "But we've already discussed this!" Eggman yelled from afar. He sighed and shook his head, scratching his toupee.

After awhile he finally got to the point: "Leaving to gather three shards was the prudent decision. Now we'll be powerful enough to make short work of them." Done-it did understand, but at the same time, he was just agitated. He said, "You know I can't plan for a shatterversal domination with all those rebellion ingrates making a rocket!" Done-it hesitated, remembering about how the rebellion started. "Didn't that dag-blasted rebellion start in your neighborhood?" he asked.

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