Craig x Tweek fanfic

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Craig and Tweek had been fake-dating for months. It started as something for the Asian girls, but they had grown increasingly close, and now they had both begun to realize that their relationship wasn't fake at all. Craig had recently found himself developing real feelings for Tweek, and he knew he had to tell him the truth.

One afternoon, while they were playing video games in Craig's bedroom, Craig mustered up the courage to speak. "Tweek, I... I need to tell you something," he said, his voice shaking. "I think I might have feelings for you. Real feelings," he confessed, looking directly into Tweek's eyes.

For a moment, Tweek was speechless. He had thought their relationship was just a way to make others happy and leave them alone. But now he realized that for Craig, it was something more. 

"I... I'm sorry, Craig," Tweek responded finally. "I don't feel the same way."

Craig's heart sank. He had hoped that Tweek would feel the same way, but now he knew that he had been wrong. "I understand," he said, forcing a smile. "Let's just forget I said anything."

The two of them continued to play video games for a while, but the mood was different now. Craig's heart hurt, but he tried to push the hurt aside and focus on their game. They played for a few hours, until it was time for Tweek to go home.

As Tweek walked away, Craig couldn't help but wonder what he had done wrong. He had thought Tweek liked him too, but now he realized that he had just been delusional.

Over the next few days, Craig tried to avoid Tweek as much as he could. He felt too embarrassed to face him, knowing that he had been rejected.

But as time passed, Craig found that he just couldn't stop thinking about Tweek. He kept catching himself daydreaming about him, imagining what it would be like to be with him. He tried to push those thoughts aside, but they always cropped up again.

Eventually, Craig couldn't take it anymore. He knew he had to see Tweek again, even if he was scared of being rejected once more.

He found Tweek in the bathrooms at school, looking miserable. "Tweek, can we talk?" 

Tweek looked up at Craig with resignation in his eyes. "What's there to talk about? You already said everything you had to say. You like me, but I don't like you back. It's fine," Tweek said, trying to sound unbothered.

But Craig could see the hurt behind Tweek's eyes, and he knew that things weren't fine at all. "Tweek, please," he pleaded. "I know I made a mess of things, but I really do care about you. I just want to be honest with you."

For a moment, Tweek was silent, his eyes fixed on Craig's. Then, to Craig's shock, he leaned in and kissed him.

It was a gentle kiss, the kind that says "I understand and I'm here for you." But it was also something more - Tweek's lips pressed lightly against Craig's, conveying a message that went beyond mere words.

Craig felt his heart skip a beat. He had never felt this way before, so completely and utterly in love. And he knew that it was reciprocated - Tweek was feeling the same way, too.

They stood in that bathroom for what felt like hours, kissing and holding each other tight. It was like everything else in the world had fallen away, and they were finally where they were meant to be - in each other's arms.

From that day forward, Craig and Tweek were inseparable. They went everywhere together, from school to the mall to the park. They were each other's world, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.

And while they still had their ups and downs, as all couples do, they always knew that at the end of the day, they had each other - and that was all they needed.

(657 words)

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