Chapter 15: Lock'n Load Revolution

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(A/N: Just for fun. This is one of the best edits I've ever seen on Ghost. Ghost will always be the badass man on every Call of Duty game. Long live the Ghost and his legendary story.)

Georgia- Makarov's Gas Factory- Afternoon...


Frost: *Comms* That's the last of them, Captain.

Simon: *Comms* Good. Tyler and I will head inside the factory and place the charges. The rest of you place the charges on those pipes.

Task Force 1-4-1: *Comms* Sir, yes, sir!/Roger that!/Da!

Simon: *Radio's Nikolai* Nikolai, what's your ETA?

Nikolai: *Comms* ETA fifteen minutes. I'll be landing on the landing pad. Please don't take too long, my friends.

Simon: *Comms* Affirmative. *To Tyler* Let's go, Lieutenant.

Tyler: Right behind you, boss. *To Riley* Riley stay with the others.

Riley: *Barks*

Simon and Tyler went inside the gas factory to place the charges to blow the factory. Watching from afar, a red-haired female watched the two who pursued inside to do their objective. Her name is Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin.

 Her name is Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin

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Jade: (Be careful in there, you two. That also goes for you, Tyler. Come back to me safe, you and Simon.)

Tyler and Task Force 1-4-1 are doing an operation on Makarov's secret gas factory in Georgia. The gas factory used to belong to the Soviets before their collapse. After the U.S.S.R collapse, the gas factory was abandoned over the years, but Ultranationalists secretly reopened the place and used it for their future operations.

But that will all change for the Ultranationalists and their plans. General Shepherd and Laswell sent Task Force 1-4-1 to blow up the factory to prevent further use of the poison gas. That wasn't all. This was also payback for their three fallen members who the Ultranationalists killed a month ago in Urzikstan. Price, Soap, and Gaz were K.I.A.

The team, Laswell, Eda, and Sophia, were saddened by the loss of their three best members, especially the loss of their captain. Simon "Ghost" Riley is promoted to captain after the death of his former captain and friend. But this angered them, and want to send Makarov and his followers a strong message that they were coming and won't rest until they had his head on a silver platter.

In the gas factory, Tyler and Simon took out any remaining hostiles that were in their way to complete their objective. They are heading to the furnace, which contains high explosives, where they would destroy the entire facility and the gas.

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