The Business Partner

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Carmen Berzatto had not ever once in the past six years expected Eli to be calling him. When they had been friends and in a relationship, they knew each other like the back of their hands. One takeaway is that Eli could be petty as all hell. Carmen thought he completely deserved every piece of it.

He had been getting ready for work. He just finished throwing up in the toilet, before he hopped in the shower and started his morning routine. During this whole time, his hands would not stop shaking. Whether it was due to nerves or lack of sleep, Carmy had no fucking clue but he wanted it to stop.

He was about to go back to his bedroom before he heard his ringer. It was quite uncommon for him to get a phone call, especially around this time in the morning. It wasn't even ten yet. As he locates his phone, he doesn't look at the caller ID. Carmy was intrigued by who could be on the other line.


"Carmy, Hi it's Eli." What the fuck. Carmen did not expect that.

"Hi, Hello, Um How are you doing, Eli?" He currently has no clue what to say to the woman he regrets leaving behind. He doesn't know whether he should apologise or mention when he called just weeks before.

"I've been good as I can. Just to inform you, You are on speakerphone. Sugar is here." Okay, well that ruled out some things for Carmen's response.

"Ah, Okay." He responds as he checks the clock on the wall. Making sure he won't be leaving late.

"There is something I have to tell you, Do you want to discuss this now or at a different time." At this point with everything that has happened to Carmen Berzatto in the past few weeks, there is nothing that could catch him off guard.

"Go ahead."

"Well, they read Mikey's will a couple of days ago. And Well-, Funny thing. You are really gonna laugh at this Bear," Her sarcasm was really shining at this moment, "He left you and me, ownership of the Beef."

This is when Carmen Berzatto knew the universe was fucking with him.

oh, and you swear to god 

        the fucker's out to get you

                             oh, and I must admit 

                                    he's staring with a vengeance 


to prove that nothing's out to get you

(The Bug Collector)


"So ya told him," Richie is sorting out the counter as Eli sits on one of the folding chairs in the middle of the restaurant. "Did he scream and cry like the toddler he is?" Eli knew that all Richie wanted was confirmation that Carmy acts like a little bitch. Which Eli isn't going to deny?

"Ya know, he didn't even say anything. Kind of just went silent and then said he had to go to work." Eli is spinning a water bottle in circles on top of one of the tables. Carmy still hadn't gotten back to her about when or even if he was going to come and figure out what to do with the Beef.

At this moment that wasn't the biggest thing on Eli's mind at the moment. Her manager had finally grown some balls and called her back yesterday. The release had officially been pushed back until next month. But there was one thing looming in the future. According to her schedule (and her contract), she is supposed to finish her final album by the end of this year. Typically, Eli already has an idea in the back of the head for the next album. But this time, it felt like she was stuck.

"So are ya thinking, you will actually help out? You know once the toddler gets off his ass and gets down here." The question caught Eli off guard. Exiting her spiral, she snaps her eyes to Richie who was now sorting some cups. "I mean, maybe. Do you actually need any help? It's not like I am talented in the kitchen or whatever." Eli could dedicate a good number of hours a week, but only if she was on track with her own shit.

"Follow me," Richie says before making his way to the back office.

Eli just chuckles before pushing herself off of the chair and hopping over the counter. She should probably start walking around it or Carmy will chew her ass out when he arrives.

Twenty minutes later and one whole revelation about how much shit the Beef is in. Richie and Eli are now out in the alley. Richie is leaning against the side of the restaurant, a lit cigarette in between his fingers. Eli gathered all the crates, so she could use them as a platform to lay on. Her head is over the edge and she is watching the cars drive, she can feel all the blood slowly drip into her head as she continues to stay upside down.

Richie had just shown her the back office. Not only was it a fucking mess. But Mikey had not kept track of anything in a system. It was horrible and on top of that, it time she keep on searching through the different papers, she would find more overdue bills. She got overwhelmed and made a break for the alley.

She and Richie had let the awkward silence settle and now it get weirder if anybody said anything.

Eli sits up suddenly, "I will try and get this shit figured out before Carmy finally gets down here."

Richie starts to speak before Eli interrupts him "Don't even think about trying to pay me, I am going to use this as a break from my own shit."

He barks out a laugh before taking another drag of his cigarette, one that was reaching the end of its intended purpose.

"So what is up with you Ivers? You've been looking more stressed out than usual."

"I have some shit with work, I need to find a fucking inspiration for my next album." Eli's words don't register in her brain before she speaks.

"I thought you already did that, you know with the upcoming one."

"Yeah, yeah" She confirms "I did but this is for the next one."

"Wow, they are really working you hard. Who knew being a famous celebrity could be so difficult." Eli rolls her eyes back in her head with Richie's blatant sarcasm.

Eli lets her head drop into her hands. Leaning her elbows against her knees, to support the weight.

"Why don't you go on a date, try and find a muse? Girls, Boys, Whatever you swing for", He pauses as if he hadn't fully thought his sentence though "Or even better Ivers, What about Carmy?" Eli looks at Richie like he just suggested skinning a guinea pig alive.

Eli stumbles up to a standing position, the line of crates almost taking her out. "Ahahaha, I think not."

"What it's a good idea," Richie tries to defend his suggestion. "First you know, he will actually be here. Second, you have dated him before so it's not like ya going in blind, and third he's still hopelessly in love with you."


"You didn't know?"

let's get down, and let's grow old

                   this fire escape is getting cold


one day when the lines have all been read and memorised 

(Romeo & Juliet)

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