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I jolted awake suddenly. It was dark and silent, not even the creak of the tree branches could be heard. I supposed it was late so I checked my clock.


I rolled over to the other side of my bed, and, in attempt to go asleep, I started counting in my head;

"1, 2, 3, 4 ..."

Eventually, when I reached 325, I gave up trying to go asleep. I got up and sat down on my windowsill, sighing.

I looked out at the lively city of New York, gazing into the various lights, merging together to make an assortment of colour - a truly picturesque panorama.

My phone turned on randomly, and immediately I suspected it was Hobie - my anarchist friend, the same age as me, 18. He plays the electric guitar in our band, while I play the drums. I aspire to be as good as him in music and band - he's a great teacher.

And yes - it was him. 


-gwendy you awake??

                               what's up...?

I wasn't surprised he was awake at this hour. I don't think he believes in sleep.

-oh yeah i was gonna tell you


-there's this new fella coming
to our skl on monday
                                 what does this
                                 have to do with

-he's mine and pavs friend
he's gonna sit wit us at
                                  last time sum1
                                  sat with us at
                                  lunch he was
                                  conspiring against

-yes but this one's a
good friend of mine
i known him for ages
that person was some
                                              ok wtv

I was barely ready for the other kid who came to sit with us last time! I'm not ready for this. I've never seen this kid before.

Although I was nervous, the only plan was to suck it up - at least I had Sunday to worry about this stuff? Whatever.

Eventually I dozed off against the fogged up window, the lingering thought of this new boy still racing around in my head.



I woke up very early that morning - not to birds chirping, but to the painfully recognisable voice belonging to my friend - Pavitr Prabhakar. Energetic and sweet - my optimistic friend Pav finds everything fun. He's best friends with Hobie - but he's friends with basically everyone. He could be in one of the popular groups if he wanted to but instead he stayed with us - he's loyal.

I groan and look down through the foggy glass. "Pav..." I croaked. "It's like... 7A.M. Go homeee."

"Nooo! You have to get up and come to the café with Hobie and I! It'll be so fun!" He argued. "And why are you sleeping on a windowsill?"

"There's no way in hell Hobie was willing to do this."

"He was - I swear he was up all night and he said he wanted a coffee!"

"That's an obvious lie. But fine - I'll go." I gave up trying to get out of this scenario. It's fine, I'd feel bad if I didn't go anyway.

"Yaaaayyyyyy!" Pavitr exclaimed joyfully.

When I was ready, I said goodbye to my dad and I walked outside... only to find Pavitr dangling from a tree branch. Not just any tree branch though. A tree branch that was on the verge of snapping.

I don't know how he did it - but he managed to get down without the tree branch breaking... it's like he's made of rubber or something.

We began walking to collect Hobie. Nothing much happened - we picked Hobie up... and then, I was unaware of this but, Pavitr's girlfriend Gayatri showed up. Not complaining though. She's a model, and very sweet. Her and Pav are perfect for each other. They're very romantic with each other - sometimes too romantic. It's weird.

We were at the café in like 10 minutes. It wasn't fun walking with Hobie and Pav - they kept throwing pebbles at houses and dumb stuff like that. Atleast I was with Gayatri. She and I just talked.

At the café, we sat down at a window seat and had chats. I couldn't help but notice a boy sitting on his own, drawing. And then, Hobie saw him and ran over...

"Miiillleeeesssss!" Hobie exclaimed.

"Hobie?" The boy called Miles replied, seemingly joyful.

Pav quickly followed after Hobie, joining the banter. Gayatri rolled her eyes, unamused.

"That's Miles, I met him when Pav brought me on a date. We found him sitting in the parking lot, I dunno what he was doing there but whatever. He's nice. I don't know much about him." Gayatri explained.

"Is he the boy that's joining our school?" I asked.

"Yes... He isn't that bad... I mean he's awkward but like he's nice? Atleast from what I know." She clarified.

"I thought I was safe from meeting him till Monday!" I groaned.

"Yeah... but hey! The sooner the better?" Gayatri beamed optimistically.


I looked over and noticed that Miles was looking at me. It seemed like Hobie was about to introduce us to one another. I was dreading this.

And I was correct. Hobie ushered Miles over to me. Nononono...

"Miles, this is Gwen... Gwen this is Miles!"

I stood up, as I understood that cowering will get me nowhere.

"Um... hi?" I muttered, barely audible.

"Hi! I'm Miles!"

I stepped back further. "I'm.. aware."

"Oh. Um.. cool. I'm going to your school." He stated, visibly getting more uncomfortable, making it worse for both of us.

"I know that too." I basically repeat what I said before, in a different manner. What am I doing? I sound so rude...

"Oh... well um. Cool..." he replied.

"Cool." I nodded slowly.

"Well um... bye!" Miles was visibly sweaty, and red. I didn't ask why.

"Yeah um... bye?"

Relief wiped over me as he approached Pav. Hobie was still standing there, and so was Gayatri.

"Well that was awkward." Hobie remarked.

"Clearly." I looked at him and then walked back to Gayatri.

Gayatri chuckled at how difficult that conversation was to watch. I buried my face in my hands. It was so embarrassing.

Note: This is going to be a slow-burn. Hopefully you enjoy it. :)

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