CHAPTER 4: Naturally Insane

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     //contains sensitive topics I'll put the warning again when any sensitive topics are about to pop up, happy reading :)

It had been a few weeks since me and Uzi made a "truce". Uzi is surprisingly okay to be around. She's a bit more bearable. She's still found practically nothing about her transformation, as expected. Thankfully she hasn't had any breakouts. She's been working on this spaceship a lot as well. I really don't know why she wants to kill all humans so bad. Sometimes she goes ranting about how she can't wait to kill them all, it gets really annoying extremely fast.

     Uzi left just last night to go back to her colony. Which means I finally got the peace and quiet I wanted. Well except for N. He can get into talkative moods extremely quickly. I don't know how he never runs out of things to say. I should be going into sleep mode, but I'm just not tired. I've felt... different

All these memories

I want them to stop... but they won't

I can't forget that day

I keep getting remind of it

It making me go insane

Why won't they stop...?

"Hey V! You doing okay? You don't look too good..."
"Ugh. I'm fine N. And what do you mean by "I don't look too good??"
"O-oh! No no no! I didn't mean it like that! You just looked upset that's all!"
"Why are you so worried about me anyways?"
"Because V... I care for your well being, and your not acting normal."
"...I'm going into sleep mode leave me alone..."
"Okay... sleep well, alright?"

I hope you leave me alone about this N.

I don't want you to figure out... the truth


Listen for once...

I care for you too

That's why you can't know...


     UghhhhhHhhHhh this lesson is so boring. Just sitting at a desk writing. Seriously?? What's the whole point. I don't give two fucks about this!!? Not even one!!
"Uzi, do I even have to say anything?"
"Bite me!"
"Sigh. Please sit normally. Your being a distraction."
"Your not my dad."
"You don't listen to him either anyways. You know what, I give up."

     He went back to teaching class in his "dead personality" that he's always got. I don't think I've actually seen him make any other face expression then a mindless mob. Gosh... give me whatever your taking...
     So, I've been thinking for a little while about how pathetic this plan of mine was. I mean, I've found nothing. NOTHING!!! But, I might have a solution. Doll has the same thing as me, so maybe she knows something. I mean, she seems like she's a master at the dang thing! Maybe I could ask her after class... Ewwww but she'll be with Lizzy. Well, maybe I'll ask after school. I'll figure something out soon... hopefully. Robo god, why am I so indecisive.

     Mr. Riley had just dismissed the class, so I quickly shoved everything in my backpack. I didn't care to get it neat, what's the point anyway? After I did that, I ran after Doll. Next class was gym, which was a little ways away. When I walked out the classroom, I spotted Doll by the lockers. Her and Lizzy were talking, but conveniently Lizzy waved bye and she walked away. Haha, sucker. I walked over to Doll practically running. When she closed the locker door, I was right there. She seemed a little startled, but then quickly changed her expression to annoyed.

(Pretend that Doll is speaking Russian and u can magically read Russian now, mk? Mk.)

"What do you want Uzi."
"I need answers, and your gonna answer them! Weither i have to rip them from you, or you just tell me."
"Tch. What could you possible need answers for? The absolute solver? Is it getting to you? You want know how to get rid of it I'm assuming?"
"Uhh... yeah actually. How the hell do I get rid of this, and why is this happening to me?!"
"Figure it out yourself, I don't have time for this."
"What do you think I've been doing FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS!!??? C'mon! You know I'm desperate if I come to you."
"Fine. But were not doing this here. Meet me at my place after school."
"Ha. That was easy."
"Shut your trap and leave before I change my mind."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving."

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