Chapter 2

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Two days later, Sonic is still trap in the basement while Shadow has been taken care of him. His only thought was how he is going to escape?

"Man...what am I gonna do? How did I ended up in this situation? It already been two days, I'm pretty sure someone will know I'm missing by now. I hope it's soon. I got get out of here, I need a plan."

He hears humming which it was obvious shadow's coming downstairs with a tray full of his favorite food.

"Time to eat sonic, I made you your favorite~." He said cheerfully and wigging his tail.

Shadow sat down next to him then starts feeding him like a mother feeding her baby. He sees some food left on Sonic's chin and licks it off him.

"AH!" Sonic blushes in red as his hair spikes up.

*Shadow giggle*

"D-damn it! It's hard to hate him when he's so lewd! ...wait, that gives me an idea!"

"Alright, you're finished."  Shadow stood up.

"*giggle* thanks Shads, you did I really good job taking care of me~." Sonic said putting on a fake flirty attitude.

"Of course, I'd do anything for you." Shadow said.

"Aaaanything😏~. Well, I could give you a very special treatment in return. Buut with these chains I can't really do much. If you could you just you know unlock them, and let me take care of you~." Sonic whisper in his ear.

*Shadow heart beating* 😳

~Shadow POV~

"F-fuck He is so damn sexy!"  Shadow thought.

He wants to resist his affection until Sonic put up a sexy pose for him as shadow bite his nails and sweating alot. He couldn't help himself and decided to unlock both of the chains. But once he did, Sonic knee kicked him to his stomach then quickly runs to the door as fast as he could. But before he could reach the door, shadow uses his voice communicator on his wrist. *beep beep*

"CODE LOCKDOWN!?" He shouted. The door immediately slams shut right when sonic was so close to make it.

Shadow managed to get up and boost his way upstairs and pull sonic by his quills then threw him on the floor. He then got on top of him trying to holding down as sonic
fights back.

"Stop struggling!?" Shadow growled, "Can't you see that I'm trying my best to give you everything. I'm trying to show you how much you mean to me!? How much I love you!? I'm NOT going to let you just throw me aside like I'm one of your trash, so you can go back to having a normal life with THAT BITCH OF A GIRLFRIEND!?"

After he had said that, Sonic had enough and headbutted shadow which causes his nose to bleed.

"Agh!...Shit!" He screamed.


"S-sonic..." shadow felt heartbroken but quickly turn into rage when he clung his fist and growls." You.Fucking.BITCH!?" He screamed as he started choking sonic.

"Sh-sha-dow" Sonic said as his barely can breath.

But shadow was too blinded by his anger, but he had finally open his eyes of realizing what he was doing. He let go of sonic immediately.

"Sonic I...I didn't mean to-."

"*cough cough* g-get away fr-from me."

And while sonic was catching his breath, shadow had stood there and said nothing. He then got up and walk to the closet door, and pick up a sledgehammer. Shadow then turns back towards sonic.

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