Chapter 5

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After Knuckles had told Rouge the truth. She couldn't believe it until he showed her the pictures and the video. Rouge was shocked and couldn't think straight then she suggested they should tell Tails and Amy.

"No I don't think we should tell him." Knuckles said.

"What do you mean? They have the right to know ESPECIALLY AMY! HOW COULD SONIC DO THIS TO HER!?" She shouted.

"I don't think sonic meant to cheat on her with shadow, I think he was force too or something." Knuckles said. "And Shadow is obsessed with him."

"But why?...why would he be obsessed with him unless something is going on. We have tell them otherwise one of these days Amy gonna find out eventually and will go on a rampage."
Rouge said.

"That will be last of our worries😥." Knuckles sighed, "ok ok...we'll tell them, see if you can them to meet us at the park."

"Sure thing."


In the mean time, while Amy puts on her makeup to get ready to go out. She had got a text from Rouge wanted to meet up. She then went downstairs heading out the door but sonic, who was laying on the couch ask her where's going?

"I'm just going to see the guys for a bit, I'll be right back." She answered. "And please try not to get kidnap again." Amy gives him an intimidating glare.

"O-ok." Sonic said nervously.

Amy kisses sonic and then left the house. As she arrive at the park, she see Tails,Rouge, and Knuckles all gathered at the picnic bench. She waves at everybody and they waved back. Then sat down next to Tails and puts her purse down. So Rouge begin the conversation.

"Great now that Amy is here we can talk about our situation." She said.

"So what's this about?" Tails asked curiously.

Rouge and Knuckles looked at each other as like something is wrong. But then knuckle sigh as he told them.

"Ok I'm just gonna out and say it. Amy I'm sorry to say this but...Sonic and Shadow are...together." He hesitant.

Amy giggle, "What? I mean of course they're together like friends do. What's wrong with that?"

"No Ames, What he's trying to say is, Sonic and Shadow are having an affair." Rouge said.

"N-no No! That's not. Sonic would never." She stuttered as she couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

But then Knuckles had shown her and tails the pictures and the video. As she look at it her face when completely blanked, and tails was so shocked he ran into the trash can to threw up. Amy was lose of words but her body began to boiled as she cracks knuckles phone.

"Why that...that CHEATING BASTARD!?" She yelled furiously. 

"Amy calm down you know you're upset-." Rouge said.

"Calm down? HOW CAN BE CALM IF SONIC WAS CHEATING ON ME...WITH SHADOW! Oooh!" Amy brought out the mallet.

Rouge and knuckles holds her back trying to calm her down while Tails still trying to process of what he just saw. But he pulls himself together and got everyone's attention.
"ENOUGH!?" He shouted. "Amy I know you're mad at Sonic right now, but violence won't solve ANYTHING!" He spoke in a tough tone. "He just has a problem."

"And how would you know?" She asked with a sassy tone.

"Because he told me about it!" He answered.

"Uhh Tails hun, you might wanna explain yourself." Rouge said still holding Amy.

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