Chapter 4

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Previously, Sonic and Shadow were starting to see each others affections. Shadow left his house to go to the grocery store. Meanwhile after getting off the phone with Rouge, Knuckles saw Shadow and quickly realized he might've kidnapped sonic then goes after him alone. But once he followed him to his house he saw him with Sonic making out. So he burst down the door and him and Shadow fought for a bit until Shadow knocks knuckles out and was about to kill him. But Sonic grabs the gun and points it at him as Shadow smile with such yandere joy.


While Sonic hold the gun nervously but is looking at Shadow so confused. Shadow drop the knife then took a step towards him but still points the gun at him.

"D-DON'T YOU TAKE ANOTHER STEP!?" Sonic shouted.

But he didn't listen as he continue to walk towards him with a smug of his face.

"S-shadow I mean it, i...I will shoot you!" Sonic stuttered.

"Oooh Sonic that brings me so much joy~" he said.

"W-what! Are you serious! I'm pointing a gun at you and I'm about to SHOOT YOU!"

"I KNOW~.That's what makes it hot." Said in a horny tone.

As Shadow gets even closer and closer, Sonic's back against the wall shaking and doesn't know what to do. He can clearly see as Shadow has lost his mind as he doesn't even care about the situation he is in. Suddenly, Shadow teases him by putting his mouth in the gun while sonic holds it. Sonic blush as he licks into the muzzle so gently while staring at him with his devilish eyes like he was staring at his soul.

"What's wrong my little blueberry, scared?" He asked with an undertone, "or are getting turn on by this~."he whispered in his ears.

"If it makes you feel any better all you have to do is pull the trigger. Come on baby, shoot your load in my mouth! BLOW MY FUCKING BRAINS OUT SONIC MY DARLING!" He moans while smiling sinisterly.

But Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing which makes it hard for him to decide rather to do it or not. Not only that but why Shadow talks to him dirty, just makes it even harder. It was too much for him so he drops the gun then broke down into tears.

"S-sonic, why are you crying?" Shadow ask concerned.

Sonic sobs, "I...I..I CAN'T DO IT OK!?" he shouted. "This is TOO much!"

"Sonic." As shadow touch his cheek but sonic smacks it away.

"NO! I don't wanna do this! I'm not gonna kill you Shadow! I-."

Shadow cuts him off by grabbing both his hands.

"Sonic, calm down! The gun wasn't even loaded anyway." He said.


"See? There weren't any bullets in here, I was testing you."

"Y-you, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Sonic yelled as he pushed shadow. "Do you any idea how terrified I was!"

"I...I'm sorry, I just wanna see if you're willing to take that risk. But now I see, the love one that I care about so much, needs me. You care about my whereabouts and I knew you couldn't do it because you're not that type of person, sonic. That's what makes you special. You have a good heart."

"But...but I'm not special! I'm not a good person. It's like you said, I'm a dirty hedgehog who has no self control with his body." Sonic sobs.


He can see that sonic is upset and must do whatever it takes to make him happy. So he walks up to him then wipe his tears and gives him a warm hug.

"There there, it nothing to be ashamed of. What you're feeling is a gift." Shadow said.

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