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I could barely recall anything from the journey back. My vision was blurry, and I knew that I was barely alive. I could vaguely remember my brother carrying me the whole way back. Or... no. He wore brown leather, not blue. Was that blonde hair? Peter. suddenly, my vision went completely black and all I could remember was the stone pillars passing above me and Peter's voice... calling my name.


I opened my eyes to a soft sun in my eyes and the gentle push of waves. I was no longer in pain. I sat up and felt for my side and felt smooth skin. Strange. I looked around to see that I was sitting at a beach at the edge of a forest. It was not like any I recalled seeing before and I was quite confused on where I was and how I got there. I stood and made my way through the birch trees. I was startled at several of them spinning and curving out of my way, making a path forward. I was skeptical, but I kept going through to where the trees were leading me.

Then, I heard a crack of a stick to my right. I whirled around to be met by a large lion. My eyes widened and I could not say a word or move a muscle. I should not have thought that I would, but I immediately recognised him as Aslan. Instinctively, I dropped to my knees. I had never truly believed he was really real. I had hoped for sure, but it was still not what I first expected.

"Rise, Princess Camila." His strong, but gentle voice said to me. I looked up at him, still nervous to say much of anything.

"Y-you know who I am?" I stuttered. How could the great Aslan know me?

"Of course. I know all who live in Narnia."

I looked around at the beautiful forest and glimpse of ocean peaking out. "Is this your Country?"

"Yes." He said. I lowered my head. I did not know of the tales as well as my brother, but I knew well enough that Aslan's country was where those who die go."Do not despair, young one."

"How can you say that?" I asked, quite upset. "Why haven't you come to help us? Why are you here instead of there?"

"Have patience, child. All will be revealed in time." He stepped up to me. "You must try to trust. Have faith. And most of all, you cannot dwell on the past. For it will consume you. The sins of others do not reflect on you."

I sighed. How could he know everything? It is as if he read my mind. "I do not know if I can let go of my uncle's actions."

"It is difficult, yes. But you do not have to do it alone."

"How can I not? There is no use." I said looking around. "I cannot be there for them."

"Your purpose is yet to be fulfilled, child. Your friends still need you."


I gasped and jerked awake. My mind was in shambles and I couldn't stop myself from hyperventilating. A firm grip held my hand as I tried to calm down.

"Mila, Mila, hey." My brother's voice soothed me. I half expected to see him holding my hand but instead it was Peter. I was laid against him and his other hand held up my head. I could feel his thumb gently rub the back of my hand. Lucy stood over me, holding her vile of life-saving liquid. I sat up, feeling my wound which had instantly healed over, but still stung a bit. I looked around to see that we were still outside of 'Aslan's How'.

"What happened?" Lucy asked.

Peter's expressions hardened. "Ask him." he stood back up, helping me to stand as well. He eyed my brother, who was standing directly across from him.

"Peter." Susan said.

"Me?" Caspian asked defensively. "You could have called it off, there was still time."

My King // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now