On the Low

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Two weeks have gone by since Emily and JJ have hooked up. Will notices that JJ has been acting weird but she refuses to tell him why. Emily and JJ have only briefly talked and only about things having to do with work. JJ decides she can't keep living like this and invites Emily up to her office to talk.

     JJ leads the way up the small staircase into her office. It is a tiny room, probably about the size of a janitors closet, with a big desk taking up the majority of it and a filing cabinet taking up the rest. In front of the desk are two chairs and as the women walk in, Emily takes one. JJ shuts the blinds and smiles down at Emily.

     "I don't want anyone profiling us through the window," JJ explains in response to Emily's inquisitive glance, "Anyway, I feel like we need to talk. Avoiding what happened isn't going to make it go away, not that I want it to, and I'm sorry this is such a difficult situation but I can't be the only one trying to resolve it..." JJ begins to ramble but she stops when she notices Emily pinching the bridge of her nose.

     "JJ it's not that difficult. You either want to be with me or you don't. Listen, if you decide you want to stay with Will, so be it. I will pretend like this never happened. But me," Emily stands up and takes JJ's, who is sitting on the desk, hands. "Jennifer Jareau I care about you so much. I want to work on this relationship and secretly I think you want to as well." Emily sits back down and looks up expectantly at JJ.

     "Em you know it's not that easy. I like you a lot but I'm married. I'm going to be honest, I don't love Will. But that doesn't mean I want to hurt him or break up our family. Is there a way we can take it slow for now? Keep it secret until I know what I want?" JJ asks anxiously.

     The blonde doesn't know this but Emily's heart drops. She loves JJ a lot and wants to be with her but she is tired of lying. Well maybe loving her in secret is better than no relationship at all.

     "Okay JJ. If that is what makes you feel comfortable and what makes you happy." Emily gets ready to leave when JJ pulls her into a deep kiss.

     Emily lifts JJ back onto the desk and kisses her passionately. Her hands begin to wander down the blonde's body and to the hemline of her skirt.

     JJ smiles as Emily breaks the hem of JJ's skirt with her fingers and begins to slide them down her body.

     "What's got you grinning like that?" Emily says in between kisses but JJ only laughs and begins to kiss Emily's neck.

     As Emily is about to slide JJ's skirt down, there is a loud knock on the door.

     JJ panics. "Just a minute! I'll be right there I'm just moving a few papers around!" The women quickly fix their messed up clothing and smooth their hair.

     "Come in!" JJ yells as she quickly takes a seat behind her desk. Emily sits in one of the chairs in front of it.

     Rossi opens the door quickly.

     "Listen we had a debriefing at the round table five minutes ago. Hotch emailed you both but neither of you answered and he couldn't find you. Seriously guys what could have been so important that you couldn't check your email...ohhhhh," Rossi looks at Emily, who unbeknownst to her, has coral lipstick smudged on her collar. The same kind JJ is wearing.

     "Listen you two, I'm not going to tell anyone as long as it doesn't interfere with your job. And Em. you might want to change your shirt. The plane leaves in 30 minutes. Try to make it their with all your clothes on." With that Rossi leaves the room.

     Emily begins to laugh but when she looks at JJ, the blonde is bright red and seems stressed. She begins to pace back and forth so Emily stands up and wraps her arms around her.

     "Rossi isn't going to tell anyone if that's what your worried about. He's the reason we have so many of the no agent-agent relationship rules anyway. It'll be okay." Emily continues to hug JJ until she breaks away.

     "We can not do that at work again. Do you understand? What if Hotch walked in? Or Strauss? Or..."

     "Do you mean we can do it outside of work?" Emily smiles and kisses JJ's cheek. She wraps her arms around the blondes waist and, still with her lips on her cheek, talks playfully. "Cause that was pretty fun so you know, if you want to do it outside of work you should tell me. I wouldn't oppose."

     JJ laughs and leans into Emily's embrace. She inhales the brunettes strong, warm perfume and smiles even more.

     "That was pretty fun wasn't it? As long as we keep it outside of work, and away from prying eyes, I don't see why not. I like you a lot Em and I want to be with you." JJ nods her head as if reassuring herself. "We should go though, the plane leaves really soon!"

     "I'll see you around Jennifer Jareau!" Emily exclaims as she is about to leave.

     "See you around Emily Prentiss," JJ smiles and blows Emily a kiss. She then begins to get ready to leave.

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