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Emily arrives at JJ's house ten minutes later. She is breathless. Her hair isn't brushed and her clothes are wrinkled and unkept. She pulls up to the curb and sees JJ sitting there despondent. She is wrapped loosely in a blanket. Emily can see blood on her face and hands.

As Emily approaches the house, JJ stands. She is shaky and wobbles for a moment before finding her footing.

"Hi," JJ says flatly. She is still holding the blanket around her.

"Hi JJ, what happened?" Emily asks gently, "Are you alright? Where's Will?" No response.

Instead JJ leads Emily into the house. All the lights are off and it is freezing as the door was left open. Finally once in the living room, JJ turns the light on.

Emily gasps in horror. On the ground lies Will. There is a bullet hole in his chest and he is lying face up in a pool of blood. His face is twisted into an expression half way between a grimace and a scream. His skin is pale as a result of the blood draining.

Emily knows it is hopeless but she reaches down to check his pulse. He is ice cold.

"JJ," Emily says slowly, "did you do this?" JJ nods and looks somewhere into the distance. "Can I ask why?"

"He knew," JJ says, her voice lacking any emotion, "He knew and he was mad. He came after me. I don't really remember what happened next." She sits down on the couch and shivers.

"Okay," Emily says, "When did this happen?" JJ shrugs. Emily sits down next to her and holds her close. "What do you want to do? We should call the police."

"No," JJ springs up, "They won't believe it. They won't believe Will would attack me. I can't..." she finally starts to cry, "I did love him I swear!"

"I know JJ, I know," Emily pats JJ's hand. "Listen we can't leave him here. We either need to call the police or leave." She said the second thing half joking expecting JJ to come to her senses but JJ nods.

"Let's go! That's a good idea, let's leave. We both have fake passports right? We'll go somewhere far away." JJ grabs Emily's hand, "Come help me pack."

Emily, more stunned than anything, follows. JJ begins to throw clothes into a suitcase while chattering the whole time. Emily sits on the bed and watches.

Finally when JJ is done, Emily speaks. "JJ, we can't leave," she speaks slowly, "The police will understand what happened. Running away will make you look guilty. I know this is stressful but we need to be logical."

"No," JJ says, "Leave with me, or stay, but I need you to make up your mind. All I ask is if you stay, you won't rat me out."

Emily thinks it over. She knows leaving with JJ is crazy but she also loves her. The thought of JJ out in the world feeling this way makes Emily want to puke. She decides to go with JJ, if only to keep an eye on her.

"Let's swing by my apartment so I can get my stuff."

JJ kisses Emily passionately.

"Thank you," she says looking into Emily's eyes before pulling her away to the car.

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