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     JJ stretches as she slowly wakes out of her sleep. Light has flooded the hotel room and she is aware that Emily is no longer in the bed with her. JJ sits up groggily and looks around. As her senses come back, JJ hears a low talking coming from the bathroom. It is hard to hear though because the water is running.
     "Yeah...eye bye." JJ recognizes it as Emily's voice. A minute or so later the water turns off and Emily comes out of the bathroom.

     Her hair is slightly disheveled and her tank top is pulled up a little bit revealing her stomach. JJ can't help but think she looks really cute. One thing is off though. Emily's hair isn't wet. So why was the water running?

     "Morning!" Emily says cheerfully, "You were in such a deep sleep and I didn't want to wake you. How are you feeling?" She crosses the room and sits on JJ's side of the bed. Emily runs her hand down JJ's arm until she is holding her hand.

     "I'm fine. Who were you on the phone with?" JJ yawns and snuggles closer to Emily.

     "Just Hotch. He called us in for a case. I told him you were sick and called me to look after you. He excused us both for a few days," Emily looks straight into JJ's eyes and JJ is inclined to believe she's telling the truth. "Do you want coffee? There is a continental breakfast downstairs and I think it closes soon." Emily changes the subject but JJ really would like some coffee.

     "Sure let me throw on a sweatshirt and some shorts." JJ gets up and puts on Emily's navy blue sweatshirt. It is a little big on her. Emily smiles at the way the arms are too long for JJ.

     The two women head downstairs and sit at a table by the window. They help themselves to eggs, toast, some fruit, and of

     Emily noticed an older man, about 50 or so, staring at the table. He is there alone and won't stop looking at JJ. Finally, he gets up and walks towards the table.

    "Ladies," the man tips his worn baseball cap as he says this, "how is your breakfast." He speaks to both of them but only looks at JJ.

     Emily responds quickly, "It's good. Do you work here?"

     The man looks offended. "No I'm staying here," he turns back to JJ. "So young lady, are you traveling with your friend here?"

     JJ clearly looks uncomfortable and Emily replies before she can respond. "We are going to see our boyfriends. They are expecting us later today."

     "I wasn't asking you," the man says angrily, "let your friend get a word in." Then turning to JJ he asks "What's your name miss? You're awfully pretty."

     "Jennifer," JJ responds quietly, not looking up from her food.

     "Mmmm Jennifer! I always liked that name. A pretty name to match a pretty gal like you. So Jennifer, what room are you staying in?" The man stoops down so he is eye level with JJ. She has no choice but to look at him.

     "That's none of you business!" Emily snaps drawing the man's attention away from JJ.

     "I wasn't talking to you. Sorry honey but I don't like brunettes. Blondes, like your friend here, are more my type." The man laughs as he says this and kneels down next to JJ.

     Emily looks at JJ's face and an angry jealous feeling spreads over her. Before she really knows what she is doing she knocks her hot cup of coffee into his lap.

     "Jesus fucking Christ!" The man yells in pain as he stands.

     "Oops." Emily says, shrugging and smiling innocently. "I accidentally knocked that over."

     "You stupid fucking bitch! I won't forget this. You're just mad I don't like you. Stupid slut! I'll get you back" the man hurries away and people stare at the two women. JJ sinks into her seat.

     "Did you really have to do that?" JJ asks angrily, "You've drawn so much attention to us!"

     "I was defending you." Emily shoots back. "You need to learn how to shut creeps down when they give you unwanted attention."

     "Whatever," JJ says getting up from the table. "I'm going back to our room." She walks away leaving Emily feeling humiliated.

One Bed Two Women-JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now