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Y/N woke up with a start, he...wasn't dead? That was an unfortunate surprise.

The next surprise was that he felt someone touching him.

He quickly jumps up and pushes whoever was near him away, when he feels a searing pain all across his body, and reluctantly he falls back down onto whatever soft surface he was laying on.

Wherever he was, it did not smell good, the pungent aroma attacking his nostrils and burning his eyes, it soon became clear to him that hes wearing clothes too, what feels to be a hoodie and some shorts; he knew that the smell would NOT be getting out of his garments anytime soon.

The stranger did not make a singular sound, instead they walked over and hovered above Y/N, it seemed to be wearing a hoodie as well and some baggy pants, possibly sweats. Though there face was covered under the shadows for only a single flickering light above them outlined the persons most basic features.

The stranger bends down to Y/N's level and stares directly at him, Y/N finally being able to see there features; Y/N assumed they where a male, about his age, had a mop of brown curls that was all over his face and some strands sticking out from his hoodie, he had two birthmarks across his face with very tan skin and some very large eye bags. He looked more like a drug dealer than anything.

Y/N raised a cautious brow at him- "Who...are you?" He starts.

The man seemed to be snapped back into reality at that and slightly twitched "Oh, my bad my bad. You where knocked out like a light while all of that was going down, forgot." He slowly heaves up and stares down at Y/N "My name is Rapheal Jr., But you can just call me Raph. And I might be the only person in this world to get you out of this mess you're in." He states seriously.

Y/N's eyes go wide at that sentiment, he could help him? Y/N doesn't immediately jump to conclusions though, he takes a deep breath and tries to remain clam and collect, to not show any weakness in case this kid really was a threat.

Y/N slightly hisses at him "What mess I'm in?" Raph laughs dryly "Don't play dumb Y/N, the encounters with Gabriel that you've been having, I can help you get away from him."

Y/N clenches his fists, So it WAS like how he thought, Y/N stops before he could say anything though, because a few details caught his attention.

"How do you know my name. How do you know what i've been going through." Y/N demands, Raph gets caught off guard by that and places his hand at the back of his neck "Well....The thing is...."

Y/N's eyes widened impossibly wider at that, this fucker was stalking him.

Y/N screams at him "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING STALKING ME?! HELL NO, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, I'M NOT LETTING A PSYCHO LIKE YOU HELP ME." Y/N burns with anger, it boiling deep inside of him, Raph puts his hands up in front of him, seemingly shook at Y/N's response "Woah WOAH!- Chill dude! Listen, I totally understand your anger, trust me, I would be pretty damn pissed as well, but please just trust me, i'm probably your best bet in escaping him."

Y/N takes a few deep breaths sharply and glares daggers at Rapheal, "And why should I fucking trust you now anyways?" Raph looks down and places his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, huffing slightly "Because i've nearly been killed by it." Y/N shakes his head incredulously and looks at him confused.

"Listen, just let me recap you in what happened, once you find out you can choose weather to run away or stay. Im not gonna make you do either one of em', kay'?"

Y/N hesitates for a moment and nods, being helped up by Raph to sit up. He clears his throat and begins, running a hand through his messy, oily looking hair.

My lamb, come to your shepard. (male!y/n x alternate Gabriel)Where stories live. Discover now