Chapter 11.- Could it be true?

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She dreamed of the smell of old books, parchment, and cedar. Him .

Unicorns and Thestrals dancing together in unison. Him .

A million dancing freckles. Him .

Soft lips against hers. Him .

Warm hands interlaced with hers. Him .

Could it be?

Could it be true what he said?

"Even if I forget you for a bit my heart won't stop loving you for a second"

The words resounded in her sweetest of dreams and her darkest nightmares.

How ridiculous... how could he love someone he doesn't even remember, she scolded herself for even allowing a glimpse of hope. Of course he doesn't love her, how could he if she couldn't even protect him, if she is here acting as if she doesn't know him... How could he love her when she was such a failure.

But his patronus... What could it mean? Hers had not changed. And it won't change... because she still loves him, her thestral we further proof of it. A vivid representation of him, a reminder of their time together.

But his... Why would it still be the same?

When they learned together, they had read that being in love could influence the form your patronus could take. Many couples would have the same creature, while others manifested as a representation of their loved one.

For her Sebastian's essence resembled that of the thestral, so misunderstood, yet so gentle. Always judged and never listened to.

For him, he had said his unicorn resembled her, because she had brought hope and light to his life.

Why would it be the same if she no longer represented those things in his life?

Camille opened her eyes as the first sun rays entered through the window, she was in the infirmary. She knew Sebastian had saved her, but she didn't remember anything after that, not even their landing, getting back, nothing.

She turned to find Jeanne sitting next to her feet. Camille started to sit upright when Jeanne raised her gaze from the paper she was reading

"Oh Bonjour ma belle! how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright... how did I get here?"

"What do you remember?"

"I remember the dementors giving me the kiss, then Sebastian casting his patronus driving the dementors away" Camille massaged her temples with her fingers tips "Then I fell and I was pulled up, can't remember anything else after that"

"Banov attacked you, that's why the dementors could reach you, You had sent your own patronus to save Sallow and he did the same for you, but they did get to you and you fell unconscious" Jeanne reached for Camille's hand, and took it in hers "Sallow was the one that reached you while you were falling, he took you to the finish line on his broom and placed you on the ground right after calling for help" she smirked softly

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