Chapter V: 1 Day Internship 1st Part

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Ever since the "accident", the two boys have become very close. If Keith calmed down in contact with Kellyn, the brunet learned to communicate better with words. Although he always preferred to do it with gestures, if possible.

-....How? Can I know the how and the why?

Our trio was currently in the library, one sleeping soundly, another one reading and the last one completely stunned. Indeed, instead of dozing off on the table as usual, the redhead was now lying on the bench, his head against the youngest's thighs. Youngest who, was also absent-mindedly stroking the fire mane.

-....Let's just say our bond has grown stronger.

Ah yes, it was good to mention that Kellyn had taken his courage into his 2 hands, and could now speak openly with Rhythmi. The latter was even euphoric when she heard his voice for the first time.

- Other than stronger! By Arceus, it looks like you've known each other forever!

The brunet chuckled softly, trying not to wake his friend.

- Maybe. Anyway....what's going on Rhy?

The blonde froze for a moment, before her memories returned to her.

- Oh yes! You know the 1 Day Internship is tomorrow, right?

- Humhum.

- Well, our internship locations are displayed in the hall. Don't worry, I took the informations for the three of us.

The youngest gave her a grateful smile, which the teenager returned.

- Thank you Platina. And so? Where are you going?

- Well...It's going to take place at the Ranger Union! The place where all Top Operators and Chairperson Erma are! I've always wanted to see her in person, haha!

- But, that's fantastic! A step closer to your dream, right?

The blonde only responded with an excited giggle. The only thing that was preventing her from jumping up and down was the fact they're still in the library. Kellyn, him, was smiling, observing with amusement the happy behavior of his friend. The latter seemed to take notice of what she was doing, since she turned bright red.

- Humhum!....Sorry.

The brunet giggled behind his free hand, his eyes full of playful mischief.

- We'll see who will laugh last, Chocolate!

The golden-eyed girl pouted, ignoring her classmate who bursted out laughing.

- Sorry, sorry!~

- You're lucky that I love you both! Or else, I wouldn't work my arse off to find yours and Keith's Internship info!

A few months earlier, the teen would have reacted quite badly. Except now he understood humor!...Or at least, his only friend's humor.

- We love you too, Tina.

The 2 of them laughed once, amused by their own idiocy.

- Anyway...Oh, yes. Your 1 Day Internship's location! You'll voth go to Vientown's base!

The teal eyes started to shine with excitement.

- Vientown? Isn't that Crawford's base?

- Yup! At least, you'll know somebody!

- I don't know if it's a good thing...

Suddenly, the bell rang, announcing 7PM.

- Haha! It's time to eat! I'll go reserve our seats, take care of this lazybum!

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