Chapter VI: 1 Day Internship 2nd Part

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Quickly the sandy banks entered their field of vision, as well as the salty smell of the sea.

- Ah~ Nabiki Beach. Also known as the "Partner Beach". They say those who meet here become partners for life!...Kell? You're listening?

Teal eyes stared at the mingling waves on the horizon, his ears filled with the melodious sound of the ocean's eddies. He wasn't listening to his friend anymore, his mind going absolutely blank. Suddenly, a pain seized his head causing him to almost drop his package. He gently massaged his temple trying to soothe this new pain.

-...Hurt....It hurts...

- Kellyn! What's wrong?! Sit down!

The brunet couldn't hear Keith who was slightly panicking beside him. Worse, he had no awareness of his surroundings. All he knew was that he had a jackhammer in his skull and a voice that spoke at a low volume in the back of his mind.

...Eh? What voice?

- / That voice...It's not...Keith's...Who...? Who are you?/

- "Tell me little one...Do you know what the sea is?"

- "The sea...? Can I eat it?"

- "No no! Well yes... You can drink it, but it's not recommended."

- "Huh...?"

- "The sea is a large expanse of salty water separating the different regions of the world."

- "Water?"

- "Yes, water, my dear."

- "Why?"

- "Because it's the domain of Kyogre, the Avatar of the oceans. The alter ego of Groudon, the Avatar of the continents. Everything in this world has two faces, an alter ego. For the earth, it's the sea. For the darkness, it's light. Everything is only a precarious balance that only asks to be preserved."

- "....You don't understand, do you?"

- "No...."

- "That's alright. Everything will become clearer once you'll become older. For now, just go have fun and enjoy your life. You're still so young...And please, don't drink sea water."

And everything disappeared thanks to a new searing pain.

-....lyn....Ke....Kellyn! Oi Kellyn! Do you hear me?!

The brunet opened his eyes, and realized that he was on the ground, clutching Keith's hand with all his might.

-...K-Keith? W-What happened?

- I should be the one to ask! You suddenly started having a headache! You nearly collapsed, damnit!

- I-I'm s-sorry....I-I...I don't know what came over me...

The redhead sighed as he gently brushed his hair out of his eyes.

- It's nothing. It's not your fault....Come on, dry your tears, it's over.

- /...Huh? My tears?/

Kellyn touched his cheek, noticing that it was wet. So it was true, he was crying.

-/...It's weird. I've never cried out of pain before.../

The teenager preferred not to dwell on this fact, quickly getting back on his feet and taking back the package, which was miraculously in good condition.

- Are you sure you're okay?

-...Yes, don't worry. I'm just a little shaken.

- If you say so....If it ever comes back, lean on me, ok?

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